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Rakesh Sharma's user avatar
Rakesh Sharma
  • Member for 5 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
5 votes

How do I add a line break after every 5 fifth semicolon (;) in a text file

4 votes

Fixing the fields in an incorrectly generated file

4 votes

How can I print text between 2 patterns AFTER matching on another pattern first?

4 votes

How to format a file in csv format after the first comma in a line?

3 votes

AWK - print range of columns

3 votes

How to add next line to previous line after a blank line in unix shell script

3 votes

sed: replace range with file content

2 votes

how to append a line alignment with its previous line in linux?

2 votes

How to select first occurrence between two patterns including just the first?

2 votes

Replace every occurence of a character except the last one in every line

2 votes

Multiline sed in Makefile

2 votes

Removing rows containing NA in every column

2 votes

How to replace a matching string if n+2 line contains a particular string

2 votes

Shell script to expand input string

2 votes

Multiplying columns x-end while maintaining file structure

1 vote

Re-order the fields of each record in a file based on the order given as input to the script

1 vote

Match blank lines before a word awk

1 vote

sed: delete all lines before matching one, including this one

1 vote

How can I use sed to insert some text after a multiline match?

1 vote

Find a text string in a file and output only the rest of the text that follows it?

1 vote

insert multiple lines to script with sed

1 vote

Replace odd lines in one text file with the corresponding odd lines in another text file using sed/awk/etc

1 vote

Replace the content of specific cells in a tsv file with the edited content of other cells

1 vote

How to replace the value of 3rd column based on the value of 4th column

1 vote

How to add some symbol (or just add newline) if the numbers in the text are not continuous

1 vote

extract lines from bottom until regex match

1 vote

Get last "block" (pattern) of log file

1 vote

Get last "block" (pattern) of log file

1 vote

How can you use sed to replace spaces with periods and still keep () and []

1 vote

sed in bash script: unknown command: `''`

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