I'm a senior software and database analyst/developer, without formal studies but employed as a software developer since 1993, with many years of experience as a Delphi, PostgreSQL, and PHP developer.
I've have worked with a great many database systems, such as MS-SQLServer, MySQL, NexusDB, MongoDB, Pick, and many others. Likewise, I've developed in many programming languages, such as Java, Smalltalk, Perl, C#, C++, ANSI C, JavaScript, and several others. I've developed software for many platforms and using many frameworks, including Windows client, Database extensions, Web-based, Windows services, Linux, Java servlets, Web services, EFTPOS, and more.
I also have experience as a database and systems administrator, having designed, installed and maintained servers and networks, implemented security, firewalls, backup, redundancy, high availability, continuous archival, etc.
I'm also an interested in open source software development, linguistics, philosophy, and sustainability.