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Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
Dmitry Grigoryev
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Strasbourg, France
58 votes

How do I create a service for a shell script so I can start and stop it like a daemon?

33 votes

Server admin sent me a private key to use. Why?

25 votes

Verfication of command binaries before execution

25 votes

How to run scripts in parallel on a remote machine?

23 votes

How to get the computer name (not its hostname)?

19 votes

logging and debugging for qemu virtual machines

18 votes

Why do I have to use sudo for almost everything?

18 votes

What is the meaning of "_="?

15 votes

Equivalents to '.msi' and to 'setup.exe' files in Debian or Ubuntu?

15 votes

Can I mount a drive using UUID from the command-line (Not fstab?)

14 votes

How can I add datetime to an existing file name in Linux?

14 votes

What kind of data is stored in the ext4 file system's journal?

12 votes

Is it considered a best practice to not use capital letters in file naming?

12 votes

How to logically eject/disconnect & reattach a usb device (dongle)?

12 votes

Why does mount happen over an existing directory?

12 votes

Get over 2 GB limit creating PDFs with ImageMagick

11 votes

How does Linux know which USB hard drive is which?

10 votes

Is it possible in Bash to run the output of a command as the actual command-line to run

9 votes

Are binaries portable across different CPU architectures?

9 votes

making an automate reverse SSH connection at boot

8 votes

Emulate a bluetooth mouse

7 votes

Bash OR operator not evaluating multiple variable

6 votes

Is scp unsafe? Should it be replaced with sftp?

6 votes

Why does linux not allow multiple versions in the central repository?

5 votes

Expand the size of swap partition

5 votes

xbacklight not working

5 votes

Check whether console application is really exited

5 votes

How do I extract subtitles from Video files?

5 votes

Remote direct rendering for GLX (OpenGL)

4 votes

How do I create a USB networking interface for passing internet to my Android phone?

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