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306 votes

Split string by delimiter and get N-th element

Use cut with _ as the field delimiter and get desired fields: A="$(cut -d'_' -f2 <<<'one_two_three_four_five')" B="$(cut -d'_' -f4 <<<'one_two_three_four_five')" You can also use ...
heemayl's user avatar
  • 56.9k
291 votes

How do I use cut to separate by multiple whitespace?

If we use tr command along with squeeze option (-s flag ) to convert all multiple consecutive spaces to a single space and then perform cut operation with space as delimiter – we can access the ...
Wald Schilfrohr's user avatar
171 votes

Replace environment variables in a file with their actual values?

You could use envsubst (part of gnu gettext): envsubst < infile will replace the environment variables in your file with their corresponding value. The variable names must consist solely of ...
don_crissti's user avatar
  • 83.9k
159 votes

How do I remove the first 300 million lines from a 700 GB txt file on a system with 1 TB disk space?

Removing the first n lines (or bytes) can be done in-place using dd (or alternatively using loop devices). It does not use a temporary file and there is no size limit; however, it is dangerous since ...
frostschutz's user avatar
  • 49.9k
133 votes

How do I remove the first 300 million lines from a 700 GB txt file on a system with 1 TB disk space?

If you have enough space to compress the file, which should free a significant amount of space allowing you to do other operations, you can try this: gzip file && zcat file.gz | tail -n +...
terdon's user avatar
  • 245k
118 votes

Counting occurrences of word in text file

Given such a requirement, I would use a GNU grep (for the -o option), then pass it through wc to count the total number of occurrences: $ grep -o -i iphone Tweet_Data | wc -l 3 Plain grep -c on the ...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
  • 67.8k
116 votes

Replace string in a huge (70GB), one line, text file

For such a big file, one possibility is Flex. Let unk.l be: %% \<unk\> printf("<raw_unk>"); %% Then compile and execute: $ flex -o unk.c unk.l $ cc -o unk -O2 unk.c -lfl $ unk &...
JJoao's user avatar
  • 12.4k
112 votes

Printing every Nth line out of a large file into a new file

awk 'NR % 5 == 0' input > output This prints every fifth line. To use an environment variable: NUM=5 awk -v NUM=$NUM 'NR % NUM == 0' input > output
Deathgrip's user avatar
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111 votes

Replace string in a huge (70GB), one line, text file

The usual text processing tools are not designed to handle lines that don't fit in RAM. They tend to work by reading one record (one line), manipulating it, and outputting the result, then proceeding ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
104 votes

Common lines between two files

Use comm -12 file1 file2 to get common lines in both files. You may also needs your file to be sorted to comm to work as expected. comm -12 <(sort file1) <(sort file2) From man comm: -1 ...
αғsнιη's user avatar
  • 41.6k
101 votes

How to test whether a file uses CRLF or LF without modifying it?

Note: This should not be used in automation scripts, just for checking quickly. For automation scripts, I'd suggest you look at other answers Use cat -A $ cat file hello hello Now if this file was ...
GypsyCosmonaut's user avatar
94 votes

Remove last character from string captured with awk

Yes, with substr() you can do string slicing: ... | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print substr($2, 1, length($2)-1)}}' length($2) will get us the length of the second field, deducting 1 from that to strip off ...
heemayl's user avatar
  • 56.9k
93 votes

How to cut till first delimiter and get remaining part of strings?

Simply with cut command: echo "pandi/sha/Dev/bin/boot" | cut -d'/' -f2- sha/Dev/bin/boot -d'/' - field delimiter -f2- - a range of fields to output (-f<from>-<to> ; in our case: from 2 ...
RomanPerekhrest's user avatar
79 votes

How do you keep only the last n lines of a log file?

It is possible like this, but as others have said, the safest option is the generation of a new file and then a move of that file to overwrite the original. The below method loads the lines into BASH,...
parkamark's user avatar
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66 votes

How do I remove the newline from the last line in a file in order to add text to that line?

You can achieve this with perl as: perl -pi -e 'chomp if eof' myfile Compared to truncate or dd this not gonna leave you with a broken file if myfile had actually no trailing newlines. (the answer ...
Hi-Angel's user avatar
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66 votes

Merging contents of multiple .csv files into single .csv file

The simplest approach for achieving that would be typing the following command cat *csv > combined.csv This file would contain the contents of all your csv files just in the way you mentioned.
zsha's user avatar
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65 votes

How to count the times a specific character appears in a file?

You can combine tr (translate or delete characters) with wc (count words, lines, characters): tr -cd '"' < yourfile.cfg | wc -c -delete all characters in the complement of ", and then ...
Ulrich Schwarz's user avatar
62 votes

What is the quickest way of replacing 0 by 1 and vice-versa in a stream?

You can use tr for this, its main purpose is character translation: echo 111111100000000000000 | tr 01 10 Your sed command replaces all 0s with 1s, resulting in a string containing only 1s (the ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
58 votes

Split string by delimiter and get N-th element

Wanted to see an awk answer, so here's one: A=$(awk -F_ '{print $2}' <<< 'one_two_three_four_five') B=$(awk -F_ '{print $4}' <<< 'one_two_three_four_five') Try it online!
Paul Evans's user avatar
56 votes

How to compare two different files line by line in unix?

Use diff command as following, in bash or any other shell that supports <(...) process substitutions or you can emulate it as shown here: diff --new-line-format='FALSE'$'\n' \ --old-line-...
αғsнιη's user avatar
  • 41.6k
55 votes

How do I delete the first n lines of an ascii file using shell commands?

sed -i '1,3d' file.txt This deletes first 3 line from file.txt.
alhelal's user avatar
  • 1,321
55 votes

Replace environment variables in a file with their actual values?

This is not very nice but it works ( echo "cat <<EOF" ; cat config.xml ; echo EOF ) | sh If it was in a shell script it would look like: #! /bin/sh cat <<EOF <property> <...
hschou's user avatar
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54 votes

Converting CSV to TSV

Python Add to file named csv2tab, and make it executable touch csv2tab && chmod u+x csv2tab Add to it #!/usr/bin/env python import csv, sys csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect='excel-tab')....
OneCricketeer's user avatar
53 votes

Can grep output only specified groupings that match?

pcregrep has a smarter -o option that lets you choose which capturing groups you want output.  So, using your example file, $ pcregrep -o1 "foobar (\w+)" test.txt bash happy
G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica''s user avatar
53 votes

How to remove a column or multiple columns from file using shell command?

If you are content to clear the columns rather than completely removing them: Don't print 6th and 8th column awk '{$6=$8=""; print $0}' file
mtk's user avatar
  • 27.9k
53 votes

Printing every Nth line out of a large file into a new file

To print every N  th line, usesed -n '0~Np' For example, to copy every 5th line of oldfile to newfile, do sed -n '0~5p' oldfile > newfile This uses sed’s first ~step address form, which means “...
G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica''s user avatar
50 votes

Splitting a file into multiple files based on 1st column value

Try: awk -F\| '{print>$1}' file1 This writes each line to a file named after the first column. How it works: -F\| sets the field separator to |. print>$1 prints the current line to a file ...
John1024's user avatar
  • 75.4k
50 votes

append text with echo without new line

Assuming that the file does not already end in a newline and you simply want to append some more text without adding one, you can use the -n argument, e.g. echo -n "some text here" >> file.txt ...
fluffy's user avatar
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49 votes

With the Linux "cat" command, how do I show only certain lines by number

You can use awk straight up. awk 'NR==1' file.txt replacing '1' with the desired line number.
KUBball3's user avatar
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