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9 votes

Can I easily make a host "mirror" that caches downloaded Debian packages?

For having a local deb cache to server my Debian server farm, I actually prefer to use apt-cacher-ng (caching proxy server for software repositories) It is a proxy specially APT/deb aware, quite ...
Rui F Ribeiro's user avatar
7 votes

squid: Illegal Instruction (core dumped)

Sorry, I think I've found the answer myself: (quote begin) Illegal Instruction errors on Squid 3.4 Synopsis Squid 3.4 and ...
peterh's user avatar
  • 922
5 votes

Basic Authentication of Squid - /usr/lib64/squid/basic_ncsa_auth file not found

It appears that you aren't using the CentOS packaged squid, but the ones packaged here. It might have helped if you had mentioned that in your question. If you look at the repo, it appears there is ...
jsbillings's user avatar
  • 24.6k
5 votes

Setting up squid transparent proxy with SSL bumping on Debian 10

This isn't a direct answer to your question as I'm just using squid as a local caching proxy. Regardless, I've posted here as your question was the closest to what I needed and now I've worked it out, ...
Jeremy Davis's user avatar
4 votes

iptables rules on squid proxy machine

You seem to have used sport instead of dport and vice versa in the firewall rules. It should be: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s "$my_pc_ip" --dport 3128 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT ...
enZyme's user avatar
  • 364
4 votes

How I can configure w3m to use squid proxy (or any proxy) by default when invoked by a specific user?

You don't tell a browser to “use Squid” as a proxy, you tell it to use whatever proxy is running on a certain host and port. Many web browsers, including w3m, can take proxy settings from the ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
3 votes

Jessie to Stretch upgrade ; squid proxy broken

In squid v3.5 the hierarchy_stoplist and client_db configuration directives are obsolete. Commented them out, restarted the service and squid started working properly. From squid mailing list As ...
Rui F Ribeiro's user avatar
3 votes

How to capture SQUID proxy traffic via tcpdump with actual information?

Unless you're using a transparent proxy, the behaviour you're seeing is normal: clients connect to the proxy to retrieve content, so you see packets from the clients to the proxy and back; the proxy ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
3 votes

Why squid doesnt work with https sites

At the simplest level you've not defined any rules to allow HTTPS traffic to connect through squid. (At the more complex level you need to create trusted certificates so you can intercept and validate ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
2 votes

How do I configure a transparent proxy where the proxy server is remote?

RESOLVED Using iptables ruleset: -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source Looks like this was because ...
Oliver Smith's user avatar
2 votes

How to create an on-demand RPM mirror

I'm not sure if you found a good solution for this but I ended up writing a quick little Go program. It acts as a caching proxy and keeps around RPMs, but proxies upstream to database files so it's ...
Yobert's user avatar
  • 139
2 votes

Can I easily make a host "mirror" that caches downloaded Debian packages?

edit: The preseeding approach I edited in to Rui F Ribeiro's answer works with Squid—or any other proxy—as well, and (as long as you're using DHCP) is likely a better approach. First, mirror will be ...
derobert's user avatar
  • 111k
2 votes

squid: Illegal Instruction (core dumped)

Customers with Oracle Support contracts can get a version of squid compiled with the -march=native flag disabled in Solaris 11.3 SRU 17 ( from the /support repo. This includes the fixes ...
alanc's user avatar
  • 2,994
2 votes

How to allow OCSP but disallow all other outgoing HTTP requests?

This is probably beyond iptables; you're asking for filtering at the application layer which is pretty complex. I think you're going to have to look into squid paired with iptables that forces all ...
Aaron D. Marasco's user avatar
2 votes

squid with urlpath_regex not working with https

The thing is HTTPS traffic is encrypted by definition. Thus the traffic only goes tunelled through Squid, and you cannot have an idea of what URLs are visited. Squid only knows what sites are being ...
Rui F Ribeiro's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any command-line, generic HTTP proxy (like Squid)? An example: mitmdump --ssl-insecure --mode
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
2 votes

iptables redirect dns to proxy

Squid is not a DNS proxy and does not accept DNS requests. Looking at the documentation for the directives you highlight it's quite clear these are for internal settings and have nothing to do with ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
2 votes

Squid Proxy Server Error : Upon Starting

You've run squid with the wrong user, which created files with wrong permissions. squid: ERROR: Could not read pid file You need to run with sudo: sudo squid. fatal: ipc::mem::segment::create ...
kenorb's user avatar
  • 21.5k
2 votes

Permanently change Squid access.log permissions

Much like Maat's answer I went with adding squid group to nrpe since that is the default configuration & squid group already having read access. usermod -aG squid nrpe systemctl restart nrpe The ...
itChi's user avatar
  • 203
2 votes

Permanently change Squid access.log permissions

You can try to use unix group with nrpe user as member. groupadd squidaccess usermod -aG squidaccess nrpe That group must be proprietary of access.log file. chown :squidaccess access.log Using ...
Maat's user avatar
  • 71
2 votes

How can I make the proxy squid to use itself a http_proxy?

I found a solution here it was necessary to put those three lines in the /etc/...
fraleone's user avatar
  • 837
1 vote

Unable to retrieve Squid OID information for monitoring proxy

Ok, it looks like an incorrect configuration setting of the squid.conf file. For anyone in the future would come here... I setup the access control properties by using Webmin (Servers > Squid proxy ...
R99Photography's user avatar
1 vote

Configure SQUID transparent proxy with basic auth

Looks like you're trying to do transparent proxying (or "interception proxying", as the Squid FAQ calls it) with authentication. The Squid FAQ says it pretty clearly: Can I use ''proxy_auth'...
telcoM's user avatar
  • 103k
1 vote

Squid & email traffic (25)

As people have already stated, squid handles http/https connections. That may however not necessarily mean you can't proxy mail traffic that way. I've had a similar problem with blocked SMTP-traffic, ...
Tomas Tornevall's user avatar
1 vote

Basic Authentication of Squid - /usr/lib64/squid/basic_ncsa_auth file not found

Centos changed the path: You can use: /usr/lib64/squid/ncsa_auth or /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth It's works fine!
Ramphy Rojas's user avatar
1 vote

exclude local addresses in wpad

Change the function to this: function FindProxyForURL(url,host) { var hostIP; if (isIpV4Addr.test (host)) { hostIP = host; } else { hostIP = dnsResolve(host); } ...
wurtel's user avatar
  • 16.2k
1 vote

Setting up an FTP proxy on Squid

From the Squid Frequently Asked Questions: Can I make my regular FTP clients use a Squid cache? Nope, its not possible. Squid only accepts HTTP requests. It speaks FTP on the server-side, but not on ...
telcoM's user avatar
  • 103k
1 vote

Proxy Server on FreeBSD is rejecting connections

The problem was in the client configuration, I was not setting the correct port. As can be seen in the above .conf file, the port required is 3128.
Quico Llinares Llorens's user avatar
1 vote

Squid Cache Server 2.7

You're after either access_log rotate=15 <log location> or logfile_rotate 15 (in /etc/squid/squid.conf). access_log will override the default rotation for the access log only, but it is not ...
grochmal's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I redirect internet traffic from local to proxy server with ip tables (DEBIAN 6)

First: please note that Debian 6 "squeeze" has been out of mainline support since 2013, and out of long term support since 2016. Using Debian 6 to prevent Internet access in this manner is very likely ...
Wouter Verhelst's user avatar

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