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17 votes

UNIX command to add comma and space

With perl: perl -pe 's/\n/, / unless eof' IP Add the -i option to edit the file inplace. Or -i.orig to edit it in place but keep the original as IP.orig. With the zsh shell, you can also load those ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar
13 votes

Strange variable scope behavior when calling function recursivly

Do I get it right that you want to count all files in a directory tree, or something like that? I.e. you want the variable count to be global? Your issue is here: find $1 | while read line; do See ...
ilkkachu's user avatar
  • 142k
12 votes

how to format a text file in bash with dots from right

Using printf you could use the single quote ' FLAG for the numbers to be grouped with thousands' grouping characters. In the man pages of printf(3): For some numeric conversions a radix character ("...
aviro's user avatar
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10 votes

Progress indicator when using a for loop to parse txt file

You could store the items in an array first to count them, and then just print the number of processed items and the total on each loop iteration. E.g. something like this: items=( $(cat items.txt) ) ...
ilkkachu's user avatar
  • 142k
10 votes

Reason for processing `systemctl status` via command substitution?

There’s no reason, other than possibly ignoring systemctl’s exit status (that would depend on the surrounding setup). There might be historical factors explaining why the command is written that way, ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
10 votes

how to format a text file in bash with dots from right

Another solution is to use numfmt which is included in Debian variants by default $ WIDTH=20 $ <file.txt tr ' ' '\n' | LC_ALL=el_GR.UTF-8 numfmt --grouping --padding=$WIDTH 1.941.102.556 ...
phuclv's user avatar
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8 votes

Easy command line method to determine specific ARM architecture string?

In case dpkg is not installed in your system (for example in lean docker container), this command will helps you $ arch
Andrew K's user avatar
  • 181
8 votes

How to sort files by size in bash script?

If switching to zsh is an option, then you can just do: for file in $directory/**/*.opus(ND.OL); do something with $file done Or just: for file ($directory/**/*.opus(ND.OL)) something with $file ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar
8 votes

How to sort files by size in bash script?

If you want to sort in byte-sizes, you should ask du for the byte size (-b) instead of a human readable form (-h). find "$directory" -type f \( -name "*.opus" \) -exec du -b {} \; |...
Ljm Dullaart's user avatar
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7 votes

SSH session termination on script error when sourcing multiple sub-scripts

The reason this is happening is because you are sourcing the master script. I can reproduce the behavior you describe using these two toy examples: terdon@oregano ~ $ cat ~/scripts/ #!/bin/bash ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 245k
7 votes

UNIX command to add comma and space

With the GNU implementation of sed: sed -z 's/\n*$//;s/\n/, /g;s/$/\n/' IP
Schmaehgrunza's user avatar
7 votes

UNIX command to add comma and space

Perhaps perl -e 'print join(", ", map { chomp; $_ } <>), "\n"' IP Or awk '{ printf "%s%s", c, $0; c = ", " } END { print "" }' IP Or for a ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
7 votes

Extracting role from string in variable

You could use a case statement: case $var in (Role) Role=$var ;; (*Role) Role=${var%Role} ;; (*) # do some error handling ;; esac Alternatively you could remove the Role suffix ...
steeldriver's user avatar
  • 82.3k
6 votes

Progress indicator when using a for loop to parse txt file

Similarly to what ilkkachu suggested, you can just read with a while loop: #!/bin/bash # File name of domain list: One FQDN per line in file. domain_list='domains.txt' number=$( wc -l < "$...
terdon's user avatar
  • 245k
6 votes

UNIX command to add comma and space

With bash, zsh, or ksh: ( x=$(cat IP) && echo "${x//$'\n'/, }" > IP ) Create a subshell to prevent the x variable from leaking out Set x to the contents of the IP file, including ...
sfink's user avatar
  • 161
6 votes

Reason for processing `systemctl status` via command substitution?

In general, echo "$(foo)" is silly and pretty much equivalent to just foo. The difference there is that the command substitution removes all trailing newlines from output of foo, and echo ...
ilkkachu's user avatar
  • 142k
6 votes

Tool(s) for echoing to a bash script only once if script is run more than once

Before I show you how to solve your original question, first let me show you the proper way: If you have root permissions, you can simply install the files into the directories intended for this ...
Devon's user avatar
  • 1,249
6 votes

How do I programmatically check if a Flatpak package is installed in a shell script?

Just ask flatpak for info on the package, suppress all output and check the return value: appid=com.play0ad.zeroad flatpak info "${appid}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
5 votes

bash script to run a python command with arguments in batch

Replace test with "${filename%.faa}" to get the name of the file with .faa removed. You should also quote "${filename}" to avoid problems in case of filenames with spaces. #!/bin/...
Bodo's user avatar
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4 votes

How and why does using redirection or writing files within an if statement affect exit code?

$? In the PARAMETERS SET BY THE SHELL section of man zshparam, or info zsh 'Parameters Set By The Shell' you'll see that, $? is the exit status returned by the last command. $(...) In man zshexpn or ...
aviro's user avatar
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4 votes

How to improve script for redacting and copying a file

First off, always quote your variables and this goes double if they store file names, since they can have any character except NUL (\0) and /. You're also doing some unnecessary movement and creation ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 245k
4 votes

UNIX command to add comma and space

Using awk: awk '{printf "%s%s", (NR==1) ? "" : ", ", $0}END{print ""}' This will prefix every line except for the first with a comma.
jesse_b's user avatar
  • 38.1k
4 votes

Extracting strings from (BASIC) file

Using Raku (formerly known as Perl_6) ~$ raku -ne '.put for .comb( / \" <-["]>+? \" /);' file OR: ~$ raku -ne '.put for .comb( / \" ~ \" <-["]>+? /);' ...
jubilatious1's user avatar
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4 votes

Extracting strings from (BASIC) file

The -P option stands for Perl, and uses Perl regexes, so where it's not available, you could just use Perl directly... % perl -lne 'print $& while /".*?"/g' file2.txt " WE'VE ...
ilkkachu's user avatar
  • 142k
4 votes

Extracting strings from (BASIC) file

Using any awk in any shell on every Unix box: $ awk -F'"' '{for (i=2; i<NF; i+=2) print FS $i FS}' file " WE'VE CAPTURED A BIGGER SHIP!" " WE'RE TRANSFERRING TO IT NOW." &...
Ed Morton's user avatar
  • 33k
4 votes

Zsh: What is the idiomatic way of terminating lines in a script? (semicolon, new-line)

The Lexer/Parser doesn't see these as different. You never just randomly join lines, that doesn't make the least sense, so you're not really solving a real-world issue there. So all differences are ...
sina bala's user avatar
  • 506
4 votes

Ensuring Distinguishable Exit Codes for Shell Scripts

Usually one prints an error message along with returning a falsy status: # if ! foo bar; then echo >&2 " failed" exit 1 fi if something else; then echo ...
ilkkachu's user avatar
  • 142k
4 votes

how to format a text file in bash with dots from right

Given this input: $ cat file 1941102556 1750145810 2604905 7000793682 5160065824 3000350768 6449300295 3046118928 12693055728 257664864 13471943769 there's no need to run tr and/or generate a temp ...
Ed Morton's user avatar
  • 33k
4 votes

show which of a list of filenames do not exist in a given list of directories

It's a lot easier in zsh: If you have your list of file names in filenames.txt and list of directories in directories.txt: #! /bin/zsh - typeset -U expected=( ${(f)"$(<filenames.txt)"} ) ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar
3 votes

defining variables inside function

FILE_CORE_NAME="$(/usr/bin/env basename $(/usr/bin/env awk -F "." '{print $1}' <<< "${FILE_TO_PROCESS}"))"; local FILE_CORE_NAME; Even when reformatted on ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar

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