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1 vote

Does rpm -e remove %config files?

"It depends". If the config file is unchanged then it will be removed. If the config file has changed then it will be saved as a .rpmsave file. For example, here's a very simple package: ...
Stephen Harris's user avatar
4 votes

How do you establish a relationship on a library such that a breaking change in the library forces an update on all dependencies?

Given your constraints, this has to be dealt with entirely in the packaging, without relying on help from the library ecosystem (see further down for traditional practice with shared libraries). RPM ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
3 votes

Kernel image (vmlinuz...) on /boot has always the same date/time across different compilations. Where is it specified?

After digging a lot, in parallel endorsed by Stephen Kitt's comment, I found the Fedora documentation that explains how mtime for the packages are set on the link below:
Marcelo's user avatar
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