3 votes

cron job for pure-quotacheck with pure-pw list

To split lines into variables, you can use read (although there are a number of caveats, as always when processing text in the shell): pure-pw list | while read s r; do pure-quotacheck -u "$s" -d "$r"...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
2 votes

How to run pure-ftpd with port range as a service

I have solved it, it was not straight forward but after a analyzing the script that runs that service of pure-ftpd, i figure that the script /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd starts another script called ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Pureftpd ‎‪421 Too many connections (8) from this IP

you are getting ftp connection from multiple users but from single serverIP to your ftp server? then look at this line in your config MaxClientsPerIP 20 and increase it to the number of users they are ...
αғsнιη's user avatar
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Unable to install proftp or pureftp on centos 6 (typical instructions don't work)

Looks like probably epel on your machine is not enabled. Even though you installed it, you may have to enable it manually. Check /etc/yum.repos.d/ for epel.repo file and set it to enabled=1 if it's ...
Bart's user avatar
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How to FTP directly to a sub-directory?

You could try to use lftp, setting first ftp:home /particulardirectory in LFTP's config file ~/.lftprc. From the manpage: ftp:home (string) Initial directory. Default is empty string ...
dr_'s user avatar
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Missing service file for pure-ftpd

Did you know that systemd comes with some generators that generate the pure-ftpd.service file for you? The result is a not so nice unit file, but working. The folder where it is generated is /run/...
palaueb's user avatar
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