Attaches a file system to a specified point in an existing filesystem hierarchy
The mount command attaches a file system to a specified point in an existing filesystem hierarchy. The attached filesystem could exist on a local device or be a remote (e.g. NFS) filesystem. After the mount command succeeds, the local or remote filesystem appears as a normal part of the existing filesystem hierarchy.
Related tags
- filesystems - a way to organize and store computer files with their data
- fstab - the configuration file containing partitions their mount points
- partition - a way of dividing a disk drive into multiple logical storage units
- nfs - the Network File System
- automounting - the automatic mounting and unmounting of certain filesystems by a daemon
- unmounting - removing a mounted filesystem from the existing hierarchy
Further reading
On the concept of mounting
- What is meant by mounting a device in Linux?
- Why is Linux's filesystem designed as a single directory tree?
- What is a "loop device" when mounting?
Location of mount points
- What mount points exist on a typical Linux system?
- What's the most "correct" mount point for a permanent NTFS partition?
- Determine what device a directory is located on