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5 votes

What does the A, D and Ms mean when running Duplicity with high verbosity?

I could not find this documented; probably my Google-fu is lacking, but the flags you mentioned, A, D, and M, appear to stand for "added", "deleted", and "modified", respectively, according to the ...
dhag's user avatar
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4 votes

duply fails on all command with, assert filecount == len(self.files_changed) AssertionError

This comment helped me to resolve this "Remove the last corrupt backup" All the .part files are incomplete backups ll /srv/mysql/logs/duply_backup/duply_cache/duply_database/*.part Remove the ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I fix this gpg error with Backup (deja-dup, duplicity)?

just remembered. most likely a gpg upgrade issue, see quoting from linked workaround in the above ticket " The ...'s user avatar
3 votes

How to verify a deja-dup backup using duplicity

@ede and I found the same solution at the same time, in my case on the duplicity mailing list duplicity verify needs the --compare-data flag in order to verify the on-disk files, and it needs the --...
Sompom's user avatar
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3 votes

Backing up to a local SSD taking a lot longer than expected

I can confirm that the Deja-Dup/Duplicity combination just makes the backing up process atrociously slow (~156x slower, in fact). I ended up wiping the Deja-Dup/Duplicity backup and just went with ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Unable to exclude .cache from duplicity backup

Tilia, order matters when excluding in duplicity. the parameters are used in the order given. in your example '/root/.cache' is compared to --include /etc --include /root <-- and matches here --...'s user avatar
3 votes

How can I keep permissions on original files when restoring backups with Duplicity?

Duplicity can and does restore permissions and owner of your files/folders as they were before the backup. To restore the owner two prerequisites have to be met: The restore command has to be run as ...'s user avatar
2 votes

Configure Duplicity to use pinentry?

Duplicity does not cache gpg pass phrases by default (you can give them as env vars though). All prompts you see are from the gpg binary run underneath. Hence, when you configure your gpg into the ...'s user avatar
2 votes

Resume interrupted duplicity backup without reading directory from scratch

Yes, it is working that way. It's not ideal, but functional. Please submit a bug report in Launchpad to get this corrected. From restart_position_iterator in duplicity: Fake writing to backend, ...
Kenneth Loafman's user avatar
2 votes

Duplicity Error 5 & 22 in /proc/

yes, --exclude /proc should do the trick. the duplicity man page even mentions this explicitely [1] If you are backing up the root directory /, remember to --exclude /proc, or else duplicity will ...'s user avatar
2 votes

Duplicity gives InvalidBackendURL error when setting up Backblaze B2

as the target is given in url format actually the proper solution would be to url-encode the userinfo, the part between schema:// and the @ . slash '/' for obvious ...'s user avatar
2 votes

How and when to use duplicity verify?

personally i verify every backup after it was taken. depending on the result cron sends an email or proceeds with purging old backups. after all backup is about data safety. this is done using duply ...'s user avatar
2 votes

duplicity suddenly fails with Python tuple error

This is another instance where an interrupted backup leaves duplicity in a state where it cannot recover. I have deleted the partial files from the last incremental backup and now it works again.
Martin Ueding's user avatar
1 vote

Does Duplicity incremental backup overwrites amended files?

first question "files are overwritten in backup". As duplicity is using librsync's rolling-checksum algorithm only changed blocks will be backed up. Imagine each backup as a bucket of blocks ...
Frédéric Loyer's user avatar
1 vote

Duplicity: Exclude files from verification

sorry to disappoint but you already researched both ways to limit duplicity's verify command. you may consider splitting your backups so you can verify independently. surely it'd be helpful if --in/...'s user avatar
1 vote

Does Duplicity modify atime when backing up?

No, it's incorrect to say that a software application modifies the atime of a file. User-mode programs have almost no way to control whether the atime is updated. That is the responsibility of the ...
Mukunda Modell's user avatar
1 vote

Does Duplicity modify atime when backing up?

The answer ended up being yes. Duplicity modifies the atime of every single file's inode during the initial backup process. That triggers a copious amount of SSD re-writes and write amplification. ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 vote

Duplicity gives InvalidBackendURL error when setting up Backblaze B2

The only resolution I have found is to create a new application key in the Backblaze B2 UI that does not include a slash. The creation of a new application key may need to be repeated several times to ...
Matt Copperwaite's user avatar
1 vote

duplicity resends all the data if filename is renamed

It seems that duplicity does not "handle renames" indeed, see this column here: Since ...
Basj's user avatar
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1 vote

"Backups" (deja-dup): after installing duplicity 0.8 from source, "Backups" can't find it

deja-dup does not look for the duplicity binaries but looks at the installed packages. Try to recompile deja-dup without HAS-PACKAGEKIT defines. This can be done by commenting out these lines in ...
James's user avatar
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1 vote

duplicity exclude directories while restoring

Vikas, unfortunately not. in/exclude are not implemented in duplicity restore. you can however use --file-to-restore eg. duplicity restore [--file-to-restore <relpath>] [--time <time>] &...'s user avatar
1 vote

duplicity with ssh tunneling

Manual page explains the how you can modify this behavior, so it will use something different than paramiko: SCP/SFTP access scp://.. or sftp://user[:password][:port]/[relative|...
Jakuje's user avatar
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1 vote

Duplicity + Amazon S3 Glacier. How Much "Unfreezing" to Resume Backup

I would expect you could run an incremental update without running verify first. The man page says Duplicity does not require access to archive files except when restoring from backup. but based ...
Dave's user avatar
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1 vote

Compound Docker Entrypoint?

A good solution is to use a shell script as CMD or ENTRYPOINT. If you want to pass variables into the script, you can use -e to pass any environment variables to the script: docker run -e backup-...
Dej's user avatar
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1 vote

How to keep a history of backups?

After month of research on internet, I found this: Butterfly Backup This utility used rsync for backup, restore and other operations (archive, retention, clean, etc...) This utility has a catalog that ...
wesijay864's user avatar
1 vote

duplicity: how to create & restore full system backup over existing files

Unfortunately there is no way restoring backup with duplicity over existing files even with --force option. Here is a discussion from duplicity-talks Jeremy Polen wrote: I am working on ...
Petr's user avatar
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Cleanup of temporary file ~/.cache/duplicity/temp failed

This may happen if you've previously run duplicity as root. The files will belong to the root user and therefore can't be removed by a non-privileged user. Simply changing the owner of the files will ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
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