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using gnu date to set a time and format and subtract

info date 'date input formats' will tell you which date formats GNU date accepts as input (same online for the latest version of GNU coreutils). And 09/Sep/24 05:02 AM is not one of the ones it ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar
2 votes

using gnu date to set a time and format and subtract

To get it in the format of printing the shortened name of the month of year without seconds: date "+%d/%b/%y %H:%M %I:%M %p" -d "1 hour ago" Output: 09/Sep/24 19:11 07:11 PM To ...
Nasir Riley's user avatar
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How to copy/rsync? old home folder from a full timeshift snapshot with original dates? possible? how?

It looks like you can use rsync (or cp) directly to copy the files exactly as usual. This version would copy everything including dot files/directories: cp -a /path/in/your/backup/to/your/home/...
Chris Davies's user avatar

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