New answers tagged csv
Is there a robust command line tool for processing csv files?
This is a fix for Alpaca's earlier answer which was on the right track, but didn't actually work.
$ printf 'c0,c1,c2\n"this, is the first entry", this is the second, 34.5' |
sqlite3 -cmd '....
Is there a robust command line tool for processing csv files?
DuckDB can query CSV files directly, including from standard input on Unix like operating systems:
$ echo '"this, is the first entry", this is the second, 34.5' |
duckdb -c 'SELECT * FROM ...
Is there a robust command line tool for processing csv files?
csvtk can read and process CSV files and csvtk cut in particular can select specific columns from an input CSV file:
$ echo '"this, is the first entry", this is the second, 34.5' |
csvtk ...
Large file manipulation
duckdb cli is a great tool to run this kind of task for large file.
If the input file is in example this TSV
Postcode Latitude Longitude Lorem Ipsum
AB1 0AA 57.101474 -2.242851 e 2
AB1 ...
Large file manipulation
This might work for your Ubuntu box:
gawk -v OFS=, '{print $2,$3,q $1 q}NR==1{FS=","; q="\""}' pc0.csv
The idea is to reset FS="," and specify the quotes after the ...
Large file manipulation
This, using any awk, will convert the first sample file you show to the second sample file you show:
$ awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
{ sub(/ +$/, "") }
NR == 1 { gsub(/ /, ...
How to remove comma from a csv file with quotes?
Using Raku (formerly known as Perl_6)
~$ raku -MText::CSV -e 'my @a = csv(in => $*IN, sep => ", ");
for ^@a[0].elems -> $i {
Find duplicated column value in CSV
Using Miller (mlr) to read the data as headerless CSV, adding a count to each record, signifying the number of times the first field occurs in the input, then filtering out (extracting) all records ...
Find duplicated column value in CSV
Using Raku (formerly known as Perl_6)
Raku is a Perl-family programming language, with a small (but growing) module ecosystem. This problem might be tackled with a CSV parser such as Raku's Text::CSV ...
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