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66 votes

Merging contents of multiple .csv files into single .csv file

The simplest approach for achieving that would be typing the following command cat *csv > combined.csv This file would contain the contents of all your csv files just in the way you mentioned.
zsha's user avatar
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54 votes

Converting CSV to TSV

Python Add to file named csv2tab, and make it executable touch csv2tab && chmod u+x csv2tab Add to it #!/usr/bin/env python import csv, sys csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect='excel-tab')....
OneCricketeer's user avatar
43 votes

How do I keep the first 200 lines of all the csv files in a directory using bash?

Assuming that the current directory contains all CSV files and that they all have a .csv filename suffix: for file in ./*.csv; do head -n 200 "$file" >"$file.200" done This outputs the first ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 341k
35 votes

Is there a command line utility to transpose a csv-file?

From : $ apt-get install csvtool And then convert $ csvtool transpose input.csv > ouput.csv Or in pipeline $ ... | csvtool transpose - | ...
Grzegorz Wierzowiecki's user avatar
33 votes

Remove Columns from a CSV File

To remove the fourth column, $ cut -d, -f4 --complement example.csv > input.csv Adjust the -f option to match the column number. If the CSV file is more complicated, you could use some perl and ...
James's user avatar
  • 520
33 votes

Turning separate lines into a comma separated list with quoted entries

You can add quotes with sed and then merge lines with paste, like that: sed 's/^\|$/"/g'|paste -sd, - If you are running a GNU coreutils based system (i.e. Linux), you can omit the trailing '-'. If ...
zeppelin's user avatar
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33 votes

Converting CSV to TSV

Using csvkit (Python), for example: $ csvformat -T in.csv > out.txt Does streaming, with correct CSV and TSV quoting and escaping It's in apt and other package managers
Neil McGuigan's user avatar
31 votes

Merging contents of multiple .csv files into single .csv file

awk '(NR == 1) || (FNR > 1)' *.csv > 1000Plus5years_companies_data.csv
user387763's user avatar
25 votes

Replacing underscore by comma and removing double quotes in CSV

Far simpler way is to use tr $ tr '_' ',' < input.csv | tr -d '"' 1,1,0,0,76 1,1,0,0,77 1,1,0,0,78 The way this works is that tr takes two arguments - set of characters to ...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
25 votes

Converting CSV to TSV

For fun, sed. sed -E 's/("([^"]*)")?,/\2\t/g' file If your sed doesn't support -E, try with -r. If your sed doesn't support \t for a literal tab, try putting a literal tab (in many ...
tripleee's user avatar
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24 votes

How do I keep the first 200 lines of all the csv files in a directory using bash?

Previous answers copy data and overwrite files. This technique should keep the same inodes, do no copying, and run a whole lot faster. For each file : (a) Find the length of each file by reading the ...
Paul_Pedant's user avatar
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22 votes

Is there a robust command line tool for processing csv files?

Miller is another nice tool for manipulating name-based data, including CSV (with headers). To extract the first column of a CSV file, without caring about its name, you’d do something like printf '&...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
21 votes

Print lines where a specific column has a length condition

awk -F, 'length($26) != 10 { print }' /path/to/input > bad_field_length.txt
DopeGhoti's user avatar
  • 77.4k
21 votes

Replace the comma with vertical bar |, except when inside double quotes, and remove double quotes

Using csvkit: $ csvformat -D '|' file.csv 12584|Capital of America, Inc.||HORIZONCAPITAL|USA|......etc 25841|Capital of America, Inc.||HORIZONCAPITAL|USA|......etc 87455|Capital of America, Inc.||...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 341k
21 votes

AWK - print range of columns

The utility cut has a compact notation: cut -d, -f2-7 <input-file> producing: column2,column3,column4,column5,column6,column7 Answering the comment by @PlasmaBinturong: my intent was address ...
drl's user avatar
  • 838
20 votes

Merging contents of multiple .csv files into single .csv file

use paste paste -d ',' file1.csv file2.csv ... fileN.csv
Chris's user avatar
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18 votes

Using AWK to select rows with specific value in specific column

The file that you run the script on has DOS line-endings. It may be that it was created on a Windows machine. Use dos2unix to convert it to a Unix text file. Alternatively, run it through tr: tr -...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 341k
17 votes

Merging contents of multiple .csv files into single .csv file

Use csvstack from csvkit: csvstack *.csv > out.csv
Dan F's user avatar
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16 votes

Is there a robust command line tool for processing csv files?

I'd recommend xsv, a "fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust". Written by Ripgrep's author. Featured in How we made our CSV processing 142x faster (Reddit thread).
Nicolas Girard's user avatar
16 votes

Replace only first instance of a character

The g in: sed 's/,/;/g' is for globally, that is to substitute all occurrences of , with ;. If you want to do only one substitution per line, take off the g: sed 's/,/;/' And for completeness: You ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar
16 votes

How to use Unix Shell to show only the first n columns and last n columns?

awk -F, '{print $1, $2, $(NF-1), $NF}' < input More generally (per the Question's title), to print the first and last n columns of the input -- without checking to see whether that means printing ...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
  • 67.8k
16 votes

Convert JSON array into CSV

The issue is not really that the JSON that you show is an array, but that each element of the array (of which you only have one) is a fairly complex structure. It is straight forward to extract the ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 341k
15 votes

Is there a command line utility to transpose a csv-file?

ruby -rcsv -e 'puts CSV.parse(STDIN) &:to_csv' < in.csv > out.csv
luikore's user avatar
  • 266
15 votes

Compact way to get tab-separated fields into variables

Yes: while read -r width height size thedate thetime; do # use variables here done <file This will read from standard input and split the data on blanks (spaces or tabs). The last variable ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 341k
15 votes

How do I keep the first 200 lines of all the csv files in a directory using bash?

Using sed with shell globbing: sed -ni '1,200p' *.csv Using globbing/sed/parallel: printf '%s\n' *.csv | parallel -- sed -ni '1,200p' {} This will find all .csv files in the current directory and ...
jesse_b's user avatar
  • 38.1k
14 votes

Converting CSV to TSV

One option might be perl's Text::CSV module e.g. perl -MText::CSV -lne 'BEGIN { $csv = Text::CSV->new() } print join "\t", $csv->fields() if $csv->parse($_) ' somefile to demonstrate ...
steeldriver's user avatar
  • 82.3k
14 votes

Substitute every comma outside of double quotes for a pipe

Using csvkit: $ csvformat -D '|' file.csv John|Tonny|345.3435,23|56th Street The tools in csvkit knows how to handle the intricacies of CVS files, and here we're using csvformat to replace the ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 341k
14 votes

How can SQLite command ".import" read directly from standard input?

I found another solution that still uses sqlite3, but that doesn't read /dev/stdin or a temporary named pipe. Instead, it uses .import with the pipe operator to invoke cat - to read directly from ...
Derek Mahar's user avatar
14 votes

awk script to prepare csv file

awk ' BEGIN { split("Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday",days) FS=OFS="," } NR > 1 { gsub(/"/,"") ...
Ed Morton's user avatar
  • 33k
14 votes

Find and add quotes in between particular string

Using csvformat from csvkit, and assuming that the end result should be a CSV file with comma as delimiter (as described in the text of the question): $ csvformat -d '|' file 1,"a,b",4 1,&...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 341k

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