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3 votes

Does anyone know what this Apache HTTPD rule is?

A more useful reference would be alongside the one you quoted, at RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1 [R=permanant] There's an error in this ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
3 votes

Not working `<Location/>` tag in Apache Virtual host

There were two problems in my configuration: As @sotirov mentioned, <Location> tags are processed by order of presence - correct order should be: restrict all access to certain IP addresses and ...
jnemecz's user avatar
  • 161
3 votes

Identifying Linux distribution from screenshot

Does anybody know what distro this might be running? You can try these commands until one gives you a meaningful answer: cat /etc/debian_version cat /etc/fedora-release cat /etc/redhat-release cat ...
dr_'s user avatar
  • 30.4k
2 votes

Missing files after apache

The mv command you ran acted on *, apparently in your home directory; it moved all your files to /var/www/html. Take a look at that: ls -l /var/www/html That should show you all your files, and you ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
2 votes

Ubuntu 18.04 ETS - Update Apache to 2.4.58

End of life for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is June 2023. The extended support (ESM) for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is April 2028. You can see the releases end of life(s) on page. Maybe see if this program ...
Julien's user avatar
  • 36
2 votes

Not working `<Location/>` tag in Apache Virtual host

Wrong order of Location sections According to the official Apache 2.4 Documentation, <Location> sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, after the <Directory&...
sotirov's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is my web server serving HTTPS content on port 80?

Run this and inspect the output: for f in $(grep -l -e SSLDirective -e :80 /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf) do printf '\n== %s ==\n' "$f" grep -hE 'SSLCertificate|SSLDirective|VirtualHost|...
Chris Davies's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to get a higher memory buff/cache usage after writing a lot of data to the disk?

I expect Linux to temporarily keep in memory what has been written to the disk, in the case it need to be read again later. That’s correct, and that’s what you’re seeing here. It’s common for data ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
1 vote

Systemd: creating a service unit to run httpd for unprivileged user

Taken From: Understanding Systemd Units and Unit Files: forking: This service type is used when the service forks a child process, exiting the parent process almost immediately. This tells systemd ...
eyoung100's user avatar
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1 vote

Reverse proxy with forward target

ProxyPass is the wrong option to create a redirect. You do not want to proxy someone who visits / to the backend, but you want to redirect them to another path on the proxy. For that, you could use a ...
Panki's user avatar
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1 vote

Why is the group permissions rwx for folder but read for newly created files within it?

SETGID bit -- set-group-ID bit -- as the name says keeps the group id, not permissions. Change the apache umask to have proper permissions.
Adam's user avatar
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Webserver to forward and decrypts HTTPS to HTTP

There’s a whole bunch of tools dedicated to this. What you are describing is a HTTP gateway otherwise known as a reverse proxy. Firstly, if all you want is to offload TLS decryption, then it doesn’t ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
1 vote

Webserver to forward and decrypts HTTPS to HTTP

What you are asking for is for the https webserver to act as a proxy to the back-end system. In the apache config, you will need is something similar to this in the proxy server's configuration: ...
doneal24's user avatar
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1 vote

Does anyone know what this Apache HTTPD rule is?

In addition to Chris's answer, a full explanation of the following regular expression ^(.*)/$ $1: ^ is identified as the beginning of the string. () used to create a capture group (.*) This means ...
Ahmad Abuhasna's user avatar
1 vote

Apache2 is not starting in Pop OS

The AH00072 messages tell us that another program has already allocated port 80, possibly a previous attempt to start a web server. You can find which process with sudo lsof -itcp:80.
waltinator's user avatar
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"Error in network definition: expected mapping (check indentation)" Syntax error in Netplan, I am trying to set up a static IP for my LAMP stack

The addresses, routes and nameservers elements should be properties of the eno1 interface, not of ethernets in general... because they should all be associated with a particular interface. So they and ...
telcoM's user avatar
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1 vote

Why did Red Hat relocate Apache to /usr/sbin

Your colleague seems not to have used any modern Linux in a long time. The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard assigns the following directories: /bin Essential command binaries for all users /sbin ...
dr_'s user avatar
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Install apache, php and mysql on Ubuntu 22.04 toolbox

You are in toolbox (a container) which doesn't have its own networking stack. Since toolbox runs in host networking mode, it should inherit whatever firewall rules you set outside toolbox. Have you ...
Cadence's user avatar
  • 126
1 vote

Ubuntu 18.04 ETS - Update Apache to 2.4.58

No. If there's no updated Apache release from Ubuntu, then there's no updated Apache release. If your security team is worth their money, they can go and take Ubuntu 18.04's apache packaging and apply ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote

Ubuntu Apache2 Basic Authentication Issue

It seems to me that you've got three major issues: You have put the htaccess configuration statements in the Virtual Host managing port 80 rather than the one managing port 443 You have put your SSL ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
1 vote

How am I not calling /index.cgi?

/tmp/ is never being created This has very little really to do with Apache but everything to do with the way it's started, which I'm going to guess is with systemd. Take a look at the ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
1 vote

How to generate index.html for each directory under /var/www/html

As @Ipor Sircer suggested, you can use FancyIndexing like you did in your updated configuration: <Directory "/var/www/html"> Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks IndexOptions +...
ajmeese7's user avatar
  • 244
1 vote

Apache refuses to start claiming a wrong PID

In older Apache servers, there was a bug stale apache PID files can prevent process from starting #3553 Check under /var/run if there is such a PID file and delete it. And upgrade your Apache.
Ljm Dullaart's user avatar
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php_value settings in .htaccess

You are probably running PHP as FastCGI Process Manager (PHP). You can use php_value in .htaccess only when PHP is running as an Apache module. When using php-fpm, you can use .user.ini as an ...
sotirov's user avatar
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1 vote

Apache Server: HTTP/2 issues

You've hit a bug in the http2 module for Apache. I reported it 2023-11-22 and it was fixed the day after, see Broken date in case of h2c w/ curl --http2 · Issue #272 · icing/mod_h2 According to the ...
xebeche's user avatar
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1 vote

Basic authentication Apache don't work

Someone I respect once gave me this incredibly insightful advice on debugging .htaccess issues: Before you try anything else, add the following line at the top of your .htaccess file: CopaCabanaDrama ...
Shadur-don't-feed-the-AI's user avatar

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