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Questions tagged [zsh]

Zsh is a shell with many advanced command-line and scripting features.

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2 votes
2 answers

zsh completion - ignore executable files with no dot in the name

I am trying to ignore files that are executable and have no dot in them, because when I am coding in C I don't want to open the binary executable files with neovim. Here is what I am trying to achieve:...
0 votes
1 answer

Launching a program via `xdg-open` from a subshell without blocking

I've noticed that calling xdg-open from a subshell will reliably block until the launched process is closed. I suspect there may be a reason for this, but I'm not sure as to why. For example, ...
5 votes
1 answer

Zsh: Is it possible to disable history expansion inside double quotes?

Is it possible to disable history expansion inside double quotes? I do not want history expansion to be completely disabled, as I still use it, but I see no reason to expand the history inside a ...
3 votes
3 answers

Autocomplete of diff command not working in zsh / oh-my-zsh

On MacOS I am using oh-my-zsh with no customization that I know of. Autocompletion is mostly working quite nicely and I'm very happy with it. But for some reason the diff command is different. ➜ ls ...
1 vote
2 answers

zsh autocomplete without completing prompt

Tried to find this answer, but could not. I am new to zsh, and I like it a lot on my Mac. I am looking for an option to set it to autocomplete, but without putting the completion in the prompt until ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unzip files, excluding files based on wildcard

I'm trying to extract all the files from a ZIP file, except for files with a specific extension. Succeeds: > unzip Archive: inflating: ... Fails: > unzip -x *....
14 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't the process substitution <() work with ssh -F

I have some vagrant virtual machines. To log into them I issue the vagrant ssh command. I want to log into them using regular ssh command. The vagrant ssh-config outputs the suitable config file $ ...
3 votes
1 answer

Random debug messages appearing in terminal, vim, and zsh: "channel 0: window sent adjust [...]" on Ubuntu 22.04

When I use the terminal, vim, or zsh, a message randomly appears on a line, interrupting the text or command: debug2: channel 0: window 999072 sent adjust 49504 Is this a bug? How to fix it? Ubuntu ...
1 vote
1 answer

Zsh: completion not working for self-defined function based on git

In my .zshrc file I have written a function based on git log: lg() { git log \ --abbrev=12 \ --graph \ --oneline \ --color=always \ --format="%C(cyan)%h %C(blue)%ar %C(...
2 votes
2 answers

Can you fix this error while creating alias for encryption and decryption by GPG in z-shell?

I wanted to make a .zshrc alias with the help of these previous aliases present to make an alias to convert a compressed gpg to its original uncompressed folder or file... However, I am facing this ...
1 vote
2 answers

Replace a string in a script without modifying the file, and then to execute it

I have both BSD (default) and GNU Awk implementations installed on a Mac (the latter is envoked using gawk instead of just awk), and I have a shell script with contents like this: awk -v maxLen=72 ' ...
11 votes
3 answers

In zsh, how can I more quickly disown the foreground process?

My method for disowning the foreground process takes too much effort. Suppose I have a process in zsh's foreground. I want to disown it, so I can close the shell without the process being sent a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Fastfetch colors not loading everytime

I have fastfetch installed and want a smaller configuration to be started, every time i open a terminal. This in itself works perfectly. However most of the times the colors don't load at all but i ...
4 votes
2 answers

zsh: locking failed for ~/.cache/zsh/zsh_history: file exists

I have a bind mount ~/.cache/zsh folder between multiple hosts with rw and defaults when doing mount. When I start both machine and zsh trying to lock zsh_history, it gives error zsh: locking failed ...
1 vote
0 answers

Going to the direcory of a file as fast as posible [duplicate]

Is there a way to get to the path of a file as fast as possible and in the least amount of keystrokes. Context: Type cd and then paste the path of a file and then have to go back and hit backspace ...
2 votes
2 answers

Repeating zsh brace expansion values in zsh to download multiple files using wget2

I want to download all files named ${n}x${n} from a directory on a website with wget2 on zsh, where n is the same number value both times, with n from 1 to 6000. I've found that specifying all the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Zsh: Non-reverse history search

In Zsh, to reverse search command history, the keyboard shortcut is Control-R. For example: echo foo echo bar echo baz Then press Control-R > Type ec > You will see echo baz > Press Control-...
5 votes
1 answer

How to use argument twice in printf in shell?

printf %s%s one two prints onetwo but I would like oneonetwotwo How can I do that?
1 vote
2 answers

7.5 * 2 results in 15., with a trailing dot. How can I get rid of it?

Using zsh: width=7.25; echo $(( width * 2 )): the output is 14.5 width=7.5; echo $(( width * 2 )): the output is 15., with a trailing dot This seems to be a very basic thing, but I haven't figured ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to get Zsh to tab-complete to the next file when already completed?

I have a series of files I want to open. I open the first like this: rifle ~/path/to/myfile-part1-title.mp4 I watch the video, close the terminal and the next day I want to watch part2. So I hit CTRL-...
1 vote
2 answers

"Argument list too long" in ZSH with any command

I wish I could be more thorough in my explanation, but I have been using my same Artix setup for a while now, without any issues I couldn't fix myself. However, after installing VirtualBox (Which I ...
6 votes
2 answers

Terminal autocomplete (tab) not completing when changing directory up one level (cd ../)

I'm a relative Linux noob: I've worked with the bash shell for quite a while via an Ubuntu install in WSL2 on a Windows 11 machine and recently took the plunge to switch over to Linux 100%. My ...
2 votes
2 answers

Assign variable a value and copy this value to the clipboard

I believe this is very simple, but I haven't figured it out myself. How is it possible to assign variable a value and copy this value to the clipboard in a really concise way? That is, something like ...
0 votes
2 answers

To make 'rmdir' and 'find -delete' ignore '.DS_Store' files

On macOS, there is a hidden file .DS_Store in some directories (well, in most of them). The problem with .DS_Store files is that rmdir and find . -depth 1 -type d -empty -print -delete don't delete ...
3 votes
2 answers

Zsh: Copy or Move symlinks to regular files, but not symlinks to directories (or vice versa)

In Zsh, to copy regular files, I can use cp source-dir/*(.) dest-dir/ to copy directories: cp source-dir/*(/) dest-dir/ to copy everything else, e.g., symlinks, pipes, and devices: cp source-dir/*(^./...
8 votes
1 answer

Glob character within variable expands in bash but not zsh

I'm seeing an issue with zsh where a glob character within a variable is not expanding as I would expect. The following example does a better job of explaining it. $ echo $0 -bash $ echo $HOME/...
1 vote
2 answers

Function to go forward one directory, if possible?

I use below code snippet (by pressing alt-h), to go backward one level of current directory. up-dir() { cd ".." zle reset-prompt } zle -N up-dir bindkey "^[h" up-dir I want similar ...
2 votes
1 answer

In zsh, annotate each line in a file to which both stdout and stderr have been redirected with the line's source (stdout or stderr)

In zsh, how can I annotate each line in a file to which both stdout and stderr have been redirected with the line's source (stdout or stderr)? I want output with the source name prepended to the line, ...
3 votes
2 answers

Concise zsh regular expression parameter expansion to replace the last match of a pattern

Is there any concise zsh regular expression parameter expansion to replace the last match of a pattern? I know very ugly way of doing it, but I'd prefer a cleaner, more concise syntax: # param, ...
130 votes
5 answers

How to define and load your own shell function in zsh

I am having a hard time defining and running my own shell functions in zsh. I followed the instructions on the official documentation and tried with easy example first, but I failed to get it work. ...
2 votes
2 answers

Installing oh-my-zsh without git

How can I install oh-my-zsh from master on the machine behind firewall and without git and internet access?
1 vote
2 answers

Be notified of new mail in any Maildir inbox under ~/Mail, in the Zsh shell

I have a cron job that fetches new mail from several mail servers every 20 minutes. The mail is automatically sorted into Maildir mailboxes in a hierarchy under ~/Mail. I want to be notified in the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Zsh: enable extended_glob inline in a filename generation glob

In zsh, how can I enable extended_glob inline in a filename generation glob? Say I want to run ls on all paths not named a, which can be done via: setopt -o extendedglob ls ^a But is there any way to ...
0 votes
2 answers

'ls *(/)' shows nothing if there is only one empty directory

I have a directory ~/test with two empty directories there: emptydir and emptydir2. ls ~/test/*(/) shows them both: ~/test/emptydir: ~/test/emptydir2: But if there is only one empty directory there, ...
2 votes
2 answers

cd 'old' 'new' with multiple "whole directory-name" substitutions

To move from ~/aaa/foo/bbb to ~/aaa/bar/bbb, one can use cd foo bar and from ~/foobar/foo/www to ~/foobar/bar/www: cd "/foo/" "/bar/" But how is it possbile, using the same ...
1 vote
1 answer

Use Zsh process substitution in place of mktemp

If you have Pandoc installed, the following script will retrieve its HTML template, write it into a temporary file, make some adjustments, and then pass this file as a parameter: template=$(mktemp ...
1 vote
0 answers

Key sequences for command/ctrl + backspace

I am trying to create a keybinding for CMD (on Mac)/CTRL (on Linux) + Backspace to delete everything before the cursor. I cannot for the life of me figure out what key sequence I should use. I am ...
7 votes
4 answers

How to edit a JSON file using shell?

I am building a shell script that uses a JSON file. { "property1": true, "list": [ { "id": 1, "name": "APP1" }, { &...
0 votes
1 answer

To move files only; To copy folders only

Tested in Bash and Zsh: copy nondot files | cp ~/dir1/* ~/dir2/ copy dot files | cp ~/dir1/.* ~/dir2/ copy both nondot and dot files | cp ~/dir1/{.,}* ~/dir2/ ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Copy dot files only

In Zsh, to copy regular files only, I use cp -a -- ~/dir1/* ~/dir2/ And to include dot files, I will add the D glob qualifier: cp -a -- ~/dir1/*(D) ~/dir2/ But is there a glob qualifier to copy dot ...
1 vote
1 answer

Autocomplection with description in zsh

General overview This question complete this other one. I try to set an autocomplete for --test parameter who should suggest a list of possible values (Here “foo” and “bar”). Until theire, it pretty ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why do backgrounded commands in Zsh functions not show correctly in jobs?

In Bash 5.2, the output of jobs after either of the following is identical modulo job numbers: sleep 3 # press C-z s() { sleep 3; } s # press C-z In both, jobs produces something like [1]+ Stopped ...
1 vote
1 answer

ZSH + VIM + CTRL-Z => prompt blocking

I open a vim instance in zsh. Afterwards I move it to the background with ctrl-z then again I return to it using ctrl-z again and then I close it using :q my prompt is blocked and I first have to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Duplicate text on console with SSH

When I SSH into my kali machine from Fedora and try to run a command and press TAB to autocomplete it as below... Then the moment I press TAB it does this: Notice that first sudo? It somehow just ...
3 votes
2 answers

"history" command ordered by most common

Can I get the output of history sorted in order of most-used? I know how to do it in a programming language, but not from the shell. In my case I'm on macOS with zsh. I know I could use uniq and sort ...
1 vote
1 answer

omz reload in zsh widget

I am using zsh+oh-my-zsh and I am using the following code to change .zshrc using a hotkey and I am trying to reload omz after the change: function f() { # ... update .zshrc here ... omz reload } ...
30 votes
6 answers

key bindings table?

Do we have a key bindings table that translates all the various ways of referring to a key press? I'm using zsh, but I presume that if there was such a table it would work for any shell. The reason I ...
1 vote
1 answer

zsh autocompletion for parametre value

General overview Here is my auto complexion file: _triumphum_complete() { _arguments \ '(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}'[show help options]' \ '(- 1 *)--tui[Run the game selection interface]' \ '(- 1 *)'{-r,...
72 votes
8 answers

Ctrl + left/right arrow keys issue

After the last system update the ctrl + left/right arrow command on zsh terminal doesn't do anything. Also ctrl+ u has something wrong because usually that command erase from the cursor to the ...
0 votes
2 answers

ZSH (O-M-Z + powerlevel9k) + glyphs + console only (Ubuntu server edition): How to get all 3 working?

So I have installed ZSH + oh-my-zsh + powerlevel9k on my Ubuntu server edition. While it's working including the colors (I used darkorange background to display current user), I cannot get the glyphs ...

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