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Questions tagged [uhttpd]

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How do I create a simple script to kill uhttpd and then start lighttpd?

I have a router running uhttpd by default and there is a process using lighttpd I would like to run instead. Since both processes share the same port, I would like to kill uhttpd then start up ...
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How can I run sed to replace lines in a file or do similar things in PHP?

I am writing a web frontend for configuring OpenWRT. I'm using PHP to execute commands and all the uci commands are executing without issues. However, OpenVPN configurations cannot be done via UCI and ...
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4 votes
4 answers

Display hostname in static HTML page on uhttpd

I have a docker container running uhttpd and serving a static HTML page. How can I dynamically insert the hostname of the container into the static HTML page? I want to keep the container as ...
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3 votes
2 answers

Unable to launch the requested CGI program: /www/cgi-bin/first.cgi: Text file busy

I'm trying to make a very simple shell script to run as a CGI on a uhttpd server running on an OpenWRT install. The file is called /www/cgi-bin/first.cgi and looks like... #!/bin/sh echo "Content-...
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