Questions tagged [terminal-emulator]

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0 votes
1 answer

xterm seems to change its "home" key behaviour for emacs

In xterm, when I press the HOME key on my keyboard, it normally sends ^[[H but when I open emacs -nw, it changes to ^[OH; those are home and khome respectively. I figured out while trying to build my ...
0 votes
0 answers

Yakuake does not work on Red Hat 9.3 because of some KDE or Wayland libraries issues

I'm trying to launch Yakuake on Red Hat 9.3 (Plow) and see following warning and errors: $ yakuake Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland ...
17 votes
3 answers

Scroll to the last command on Terminal? (like OS X Terminal marks)

Mac OS X Terminal marks are incredibly useful. For example, when I type a command that echoes a lot output, it's easy to read the beginning with Cmd+Up. It will scroll to the last command and ...
8 votes
1 answer

Urxvt: how to increase the amount of lines I can scroll back?

In other terminal emulators you can usually control the amounts of lines you can scroll back, but it seems it's a fixed amount in Urxvt. I thought the "saveLines" option controlled that but I tried ...
0 votes
1 answer

Tilix - open new tab in the same diretory as current tab

Does anyone know, how I can configure the gnome terminal emulator tilix to open a new tab automatically in a new window? As you can see on the screenshot, I opened a new tab in a vertically tiled ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to get a serial terminal emulator in linux to ignore RTS & DTR?

I purchased a generic 8-pin ESP8266 off Amazon. It came loaded with some "AT" command firmware that acted like a modem. I connected the module to an FTDI1232 which is a USB connected UART that acts ...
63 votes
5 answers

How can I set the position that terminal opens at?

I'd like Terminal to open near the bottom of my screen. Is there a way to set the default size and position? I'm using Linux Mint 13, Cinnamon.
51 votes
2 answers

Print true color (24-bit) test pattern

How can I test that my terminal / tmux is correctly setup to display truecolor / 24-bit color / 16.8 million colours?
13 votes
5 answers

How to disable mouse support in terminal?

I'm asking this question while using xfce4-terminal, but I'm interested in a general solution: is there a way to stop a terminal emulator announcing mouse support in consoles? I need mouse-select and ...
2 votes
1 answer

What can I do to fix occasional lagging of terminal emulator?

My terminal emulators are lagging occasionally. It's not heavy a lag. May be once in 20-30 mins( I think). The terminal becomes unresponsive and all the characters I typed during lag appears suddenly. ...
2 votes
3 answers

Save all terminal output to a file, after the fact

This: Save all the terminal output to a file Except after the fact. Meaning that instead of preparing to record or pipe all output to a file, I am dealing with output that has already taken place, and ...
5 votes
2 answers

Linux how to get window title with just shell script?

I cannot install any tools like screen or xproc on the box. I dont need to modify the title, I only need to find the window title name. echo -e "\033]0;[title]\07"; modifies the title I know. But I ...
69 votes
10 answers

What is making my cursor 'randomly' disappear when using gnome-teminal?

It happens often that my cursor on gnome-terminal disappears, forcing me to work on a new tab/window. It seems like a random occurrence. Does anyone else experience this? What about other X terminal ...
0 votes
1 answer

What package manager do I use under TermUX (Android Unix/Linux terminal app)

In the old days when Debian, Red Hat, Suse, Caldera, Slackware, and then in the more modern days, with, Ubuntu, there used to be different package managers, that could be used to dowload and install ...
30 votes
4 answers

How can we know who's at the other end of a pseudo-terminal device?

If I do a: echo foo > /dev/pts/12 Some process will read that foo\n from its file descriptor to the master side. Is there a way to find out what that(those) process(es) is(are)? Or in other ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to Add Space or Padding to Terminal Output?

I don't really know what would be responsible for this. I would bet on my terminal emulator itself (mine is Kitty), but it might be a Zsh (or Oh My Zsh) or Powerlevel10k responsibility. Anyways, what ...
3 votes
1 answer

Historical reason for function keys having non-consecutive key sequences in xterm

I'm using gnome-terminal as my terminal emulator, which sets TERM=xterm-256color. The key sequences sent when pressing the function keys F1, F2, … are as printed by $ infocmp -L1 | grep _f | sort -V ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How does a terminal produce accurate colors?

Background I am using terminals in various settings. Often the color output of programs is not correctly rendered on the screen. The internet is full of recipes for fixing the colors for specific ...
1 vote
2 answers

Issue with weird visible right and bottom Borders inside Terminal programs

For quite some time I'm "struggling" with the problem I wish to present in pictures down below. The problem is that I have weird borders around programs I open in the Terminal Emulator. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Coloring man pages doesn't work anymore? [duplicate]

I've had this for more than 3 years in my bashrc: man() { LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e[01;31m' \ LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\e[0m' \ LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\e[0m' \ LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\e[01;44;33m' \ ...
22 votes
7 answers

Is there a terminal app that allows filenames to be clickable?

Is there a terminal emulator (extension or app) that does link resolution for local paths? In particular when I see things like: /home/sam/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.2/lib/action_controller/...
0 votes
1 answer

Are there any terminal emulators that support enhancing the stdout output with interactive UI widgets?

I think it would be great if we have a more interactive terminal which could speedup some actions by adding the interactiveness to the output of the programs, by converting the elements of the text to ...
5 votes
2 answers

How to specify which terminal is used by gtk-launch

As discussed here, gtk-launch can launch applications either directly or in a terminal window, depending on whether the .desktop file specifies that the application runs in a terminal. It seems to me ...
13 votes
3 answers

Terminal to display from top to down

Is there a terminal or terminal emulator, or maybe a shell, that would display the latest line always on top, and the remaining lines in ascending timestamps? Just like a normal terminal only upside ...
0 votes
0 answers

Problems with my TTYs key bindings in Fedora 38

I am trying to configure my .inputrc file as I always did for key bindings (bash and Fedora 38). It works perfectly for urxvt/xterm, but my TTY's (virtual consoles) do not take into account modifiers. ...
7 votes
1 answer

How should I interpret the fact that a Unicode code point is shown in two completely different ways in two different terminal emulators?

This is kind of a spin off from an older question I asked. Here's the screenshot from that question: In the bottom left is URxvt, and you can see a lighting bolt-like icon at the beginning of the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Terminal with advanced copy paste capabilites

Kitty terminal has a feature where one can run a python script that captures text via regex and allows copying directly to clipboard (see The matches ...
1 vote
0 answers

Terminus (or any other bitmap font) blurry on HiDPI

I'm using an UHD screen and have everything set to be 2x scaled (Cinnamon DE, Arch Linux). I would like to use a bitmap font that is not anti-aliased, i. e. pixelated, for my terminal emulator (gnome-...
0 votes
1 answer

How to install dsniff package on termux?

I was trying to install dsniff package to use dnsspoof. I tried this command: apt-get install dsniff but I got this error: E: Unable to locate package dsniff What am I missing?
1 vote
1 answer

Which terminal emulators for Linux support VT320 / VT420 soft character sets?

It' s about the Dynamically Redefined Character Set (DRCS) feature supported by the Digital VT320 terminal (and later models). Do any of the well-known terminal emulators like xterm, Konsole, or gnome-...
19 votes
4 answers

The easiest way to clear scrollback buffer of terminal + some deeper explanation?

Why bother? Clearing scrollback buffer is handy in many ways, for example, when I wish to run some command with long output, and want to quickly scroll to start of this output. When scrollback buffer ...
1 vote
1 answer

Change Default Directory in Gnome Bash Terminal

I use the bash terminal on Ubuntu Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS, with the GNOME terminal emulator. When using the terminal, this is the current (default) behavior: When I open a new terminal session, it starts ...
65 votes
9 answers

How can I hook on to one terminal's output from another terminal?

I need to hook onto output of currently running terminal (tty1) from virtual terminal and capture it (running X server).
2 votes
2 answers

Kitty terminal: I don't have any colors on PS1 bash prompt

Unlike other terminal emulators with kitty terminals I have no colors on bash prompt. I am using ubuntu, my PS1 is \[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ What have I to setup ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to make st the default terminal in linuxmint cinnamon

I have st installed in my $PATH (in /usr/local/bin). But still, I don't see st present in Prefered Applications list, nor is it present as an option when I run sudo update-alternatives --config x-...
17 votes
9 answers

Telnet send Ctrl-C

I use telnet to connect to a terminal server, which proxies the traffic to a RS-232 port. Unfortunately when using some of the devices it is not possible to send the CTRL+C character (0x03). Instead ...
91 votes
4 answers

What are the responsibilities of each Pseudo-Terminal (PTY) component (software, master side, slave side)?

I am trying to figure out how a tty works1 (the workflow and responsibilities of each element). I have read several interesting articles about it, but there are still some blurry areas. This is what I ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Looking for GUI layer on top of terminal emulator

Does it exist, a GUI that enhances the command line interface? I see myself constantly doing the same thing like typing out paths, executing the same commands, making the same typos, having to look up ...
0 votes
1 answer

st (Simple Terminal) doesn't show up when selecting alternative x-terminal-emulator

Apologies for the absolutely terrible title, I had no idea how to phrase it. So, when I run the command sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator in an attempt to change my default ...
0 votes
0 answers

Stuck w/ xterm on Xfce

I want to run a terminal application and created a desktop entry in /usr/share/applications. For some reason, Terminal=true in the entry fires up xterm even though: TERM=x-terminal-emulator exo-...
1 vote
4 answers

Sed delete everything before and after characters

I'm running on android this Command: dumpsys activity activities | grep mFocusedApp Output: mFocusedApp=ActivityRecord{273535b u0 com.any.some/.app.AnyActivity t5595} Expected: com.any.some I need ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why does TERM variable not reflect True Color support in terminal emulators

So using the st terminal emulator the TERM variable is set to st-256color, even tput colors gives me 256. But from multiple sources and the tests I have run, it seems like ST does support TRUECOLOR. ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to make Windows right-click - Paste work in Linux vim?

When using MobaXTerm on Windows, I ssh into a Linux server, start vim and I can right-click into the terminal window and can choose Paste and it pastes text from the Windows clipboard. When I use git ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does ssh give access to the virtual console, to a terminal emulator, or what? [duplicate]

As far as I've understood, a terminal emulator is a GUI-based program which gives me a terminal-like viewport and allows me to interact with it just like I'd do with a terminal, except that it has all ...
0 votes
0 answers

less: do not display "filename (END)" at the end of page [duplicate]

I need less to display a file without any additional formatting characters. I found the --tilde option, which got rid of the ~ characters. Now I only need to get rid of the: (END) or <filename> ...
1 vote
4 answers

Are there any terminal emulators that can render html?

I think it would be awesome if we could render and also interact with html and javascript in a terminal. The idea is to render buttons and other interactive widgets like file trees in the command line,...
67 votes
4 answers

Which terminal type am I using?

I have tested this with both Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian 7. When I do echo $TERM I get xterm But if I use the dropdown menu "help" > "about" then it says gnome terminal Does this mean I am ...
4 votes
7 answers

Is there a (light-weight) replacement for `rxvt-unicode`?

I am currently using rxvt-unicode as a terminal emulator. Since I also like the configurability of terminal emulators from GNOME and KDE, I wonder whether there is some kind of replacement for rxvt-...
0 votes
1 answer

Terminal emulator for Android that supports viewing images?

I am planning on logging into my unix desktop via an Anroid tablet. Is there a terminal emulator that will allow me to view images, such as making plots in ipython, via X11 protocol?
0 votes
1 answer

Given Size in Terminal Row and Column units, how to calculate equivalent number pixels

I have a program which makes available 2 shell variables $width and $height, which are the desired width and desired height in "rows" and "columns" of an output (in this case a ...

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