Questions tagged [ospf]

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Configure BFD OSPF (FRR 3.0.4)

I installed an old version of FRR (v. 3.0.4) and can't figure out why ospf bfd is not working. How to turn it on correctly? I couldn't find user guide documentation for old version of FRR. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Bird 2.0 OSPF to OSPF redistribution cost

I am trying to set up bird for routing networks between my sites witch are connected with 2 L2 links. Right now all my OSPF_INTRA are redistributed to others routers with automatic cost calculation. I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Failover Routing - How to detect dead link?

I have a network that is connected to the internet through Router 1 through cable, and separately through Router 2 on LTE. It is desired that in a situation where both cable and LTE are available, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Porting OSPF route filter rule for BIRD

I have an anycast setup for DNS using BIRD OSPF: Migrating Quagga to BIRD However, using "show routes" in the birdc command I see lots of OSPF learned routes from our internal network. As it is, ...
3 votes
1 answer

OSPF: Migrating Quagga to BIRD

I need/want to migrate from Quagga to BIRD after several Quagga hiccups, namely Quagga stopped working after updates in Stretch. BIRD is also more flexible and modern. I have my OSPF BIND anycast ...
0 votes
1 answer

OSPF route costs in BIRD

I am migrating an anycast OSPF routing BIND redundant setup from Quagga to BIRD. One of my difficulties is getting several routes with different costs with BIRD, in the same way as I am doing it in ...