Questions tagged [kitty]

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Mapping otherwise conflicting or unmappable keys in terminal Vim

Resources in the network (1, 2, 3) claim that some key combinations, among which Ctrl-Shift-letter, Ctrl-number, Ctrl-i/Tab, Ctrl-m/Enter, Esc/Ctrl-[, cannot be mapped reliably in Vim because the ...
Quasímodo's user avatar
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4 answers

How to delete in terminal from "/" to "/"?

Im using Kitty emulator and bash shell. I know that Ctrl+w I can delete a word in terminal (like Ctrl+Backspace). But what if I have something like this: sh /home/user/dir1/dir2/ I just want ...
Lolis4TheWin's user avatar
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3 answers

TMUX and terminal colors are not the same locally and over ssh

I have a bunch of dotfiles that allow me to have a pretty theme on my terminal and tmux on my local host. I use kitty, fish and tmux. To properly define colors and have a global coherence, I use the ...
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