Questions tagged [conky]

Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X that displays information on your desktop.

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{up, down}speedgraphs not shown using `lua_parse lua_func`

Here is my conkyrc: conky.config = { use_xft = true, -- use xft? font = 'DejaVuSans:size=9', -- font name xftalpha = 1, uppercase = false, -- all text in uppercase? pad_percents = ...
Lakshay Rohila's user avatar
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Failed to activate systemd service

I have a personal Conky script (at ~/.conky/ that I'd like to execute every time I boot up my OS (which is Fedora Workstation 39). So, I created a systemd service file named personal-...
archthegreat's user avatar
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How to install conky themes?

I' m asking how to install conky themes that you download from the Pling store as zip and extract as folders on Linux. I tried to rename the file name [name]. conf with Anything.conkyrc and then copy ...
Tux's user avatar
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Why are CONKY memory RAM use stats higher than HTOP?

I have two different setups, one on virtual machine, and one standard, both on Linux, one on MINT and the other on MX. But on both, the CONKY stats for idle system RAM usage are around 200MB higher ...
daijo's user avatar
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How can I get xrandr to realize my screens are of a different height?

On Manjaro Linux using i3, I have an issue with lining up my two monitors to achieve seamless transition. Currently they look fine using this command to orient them: xrandr --output USB-C-0 --primary -...
ckrug's user avatar
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conky: how to show the top internet using processes and their speeds like nethogs

In Linux, I find nethogs -a very useful for checking the internet speed usage per program. Now, I want to integrate this functionality into Conky. I'm open to any other method besides nethogs, as long ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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How to make conky appear on top of all windows?

How to make a conky window on top of all windows? The only thing i find is how to avoid it but i want conky to be on top of all windows. I would like to know what parameter is responsible for this or ...
lkxDIvolt's user avatar
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clock font in conky

I'm wanting to give the font for my digital clock in conky an outter edge thats a different color. I'm not sure how to go about it though. The pic is an example of what I'm wanting to do.
bikerjay's user avatar
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Taking CPU cores offline while under load makes them unable to unload?

I have an AMD Ryzen 5 5625 U CPU with 6 physical cores and 12 SMP cores. I'm running Zorin Core OS 16.2r-1. I've been testing ways of saving more power on a laptop. Ultimately I'd like to be able to ...
pynewbie's user avatar
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Conky: attempt to compare number with nil

I'm trying to make my own conky script, and I'm having some trouble with a script I'm using. The script is this one. This is the problematic part: { name="diskio_read", arg="/...
fpp's user avatar
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Conky 1.11.6 - Want to eliminate gaps above/below graphs

Environment Debian Linux 11.5 "bullseye" Conky 1.11.6 (compiled 2020-08-17, package 1.11.6-2) Xorg 1.20.11 (package 2:1.20.11-1+deb11u2) FVWM version 3 release 1.0.5 (built from git ...
Ben Scott's user avatar
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Conky: Is there a way to have multiple-line blocks of text aligned horizontally?

I have been using a sligtly optimized version of Andeon's conky-simple, as shown below. Unfortunately, I do not have much experience with conky scripts, so I am not sure I can actually do what I have ...
Julles's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot autostart Conky in Fedora 36 - GNOME 42

So: I just installed Conky, and it looks very nice. But it's annoying to constantly open it on startup manually. So I've search for a way to autostart Conky I've tried: Making a .desktop file and put ...
Quan's user avatar
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`conky` without `lua`: can a bar be reverted?

With lua you definitely can. What about without lua? Can conky draw a bar not left-to-right like this for 10%: █░░░░░░░░░ but right-to-left like this?: ░░░░░░░░░█ E.g. the Rainmeter for Windows does ...
Veraellyunjie's user avatar
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Print GPU usage in conky

I cannot print my GPU usage I have the following regexp: ${execgraph 16,235 $(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -l 5 | sed -n '2p' | grep -Po "\\d+")} Which prints the ...
vfbsilva's user avatar
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How to use Conky variable with external command?

I'm trying to create a workaround for Conky's truncation of usernames with the top user function. Using id -nu $uid, I tried this: ${exec id -nu ${top uid \1}} which leads to "bad substitution&...
ajgringo619's user avatar
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How do I convert these commands to work in a conky file?

What I am doing is working on a conky widget, and I am trying to get a voltage reading from the sensor chip on my motherboard to display it. I am getting a voltage reading and displaying it in the ...
SwervedOne's user avatar
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how to uninstall conky?

Okay so I am facing an annoying issue where apt install just a different version of conky(all,standard,cli) every time I try to purge it. which is stupid. Below is a trimmed version where this happens....
Aditya Gupta's user avatar
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Starting and closing an application based on an other application

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and I'm looking for a bash script to start Quodlibet (a music application) and conky simultaneously. Edit: The idea is to use the sh script in a .desktop launcher Start ...
BFlat's user avatar
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How do I make this border round in conky Manjaro KDE? (Repost from "off topic" StackOverflow post)

Origanaly posted by RodrigoSQL on StackOverflow. I answered this question on StackOverflow but it was deleted How do I make this border round? Hello guys, I'm setting up Conky in the manjaro, but I ...
UsernamePizza's user avatar
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Conky text padding with dzen2

I have the exact same issue as Creating Conky text variables with zero padding? for displaying network speed. Except that I'm piping conky to dzen2. It seems lua_parse is not working within that setup....
alex_reader's user avatar
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Conky script not running after being converted

I am attempting to convert an older conky widget to the new syntax of 1.10+, but I can't for the life of me figure out why it won't run. I've ran through everything to make sure it was converted ...
FireballFoxtrot's user avatar
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What's wrong with my conky.conf?

I have been using this configuration for conky for some time on debian but, for some reason, it does not work on Alpine Linux. When i launch conky from the terminal I get: alpine:~$ conky & ...
black-clover's user avatar
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How to remove i3wm info on Desktop

I was wondering how I could remove those information I am showing you in the following images: As I said, the window manager I am using is i3 and it has been installed through Manjaro Architect, so ...
deomanu01's user avatar
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Fix Conky widgets, not loading

Recent system updates have broken Conky manager, well it hasn't been updated on Github 4-5 years, looks abandoned but still maybe anyone knows how to fix it. It happened with the latest updates on ...
JoKeR's user avatar
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conky - how to set a hard width limit to

I am changing my vertical conky into a horizontal conky bar going across the top of my screen. For the Name and CPU %, how do I set a max width column? I need to set a fixed width on Name CPU% so I ...
dman's user avatar
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How do I parse information from netstat?

How do I extract the following from the output of netstat -anp? remove ip address remote port local application name local port PID I need this information to run in my conky. It shows everything, ...
root666's user avatar
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How to set Conky to auto hide like gnome toolbar

Is there a way to configure conky to pop out when I move my mouse to the right of the screen and hide when I move it away like the gnome toolbar? I'm on Ubuntu 20 Desktop.
James Palmer's user avatar
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Why are `top` CPU numbers different from those of System Monitor and Conky Process Panel?

When my laptop gets slow for a moment during somewhat heavier processing I expect to see higher numbers (for CPU use) than what I in fact see in the conky Process Panel that I have on the desktop and ...
cipricus's user avatar
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how to properly display right to left language (arabic) in conky?

how to properly display right to left language (arabic) in conky ? here is the content of a file: and here is conky screenshot:
Neo Mosaid's user avatar
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Dynamically loading image based on function output

I'm trying to load a .png to display a battery icon in conky. So far I've tried nesting the function call, using eval but I can't seem to find a solution. Here is my non working conky.text: conky....
phil's user avatar
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Save iwconfig to a variable

I am trying to assign Link Quality (percentage) from iwconfig to a variable in a .sh file. This is for a conky theme I'm making. To do this I have the following: lnk=$(iwconfig mlan0 | awk '/Link ...
Swerved's user avatar
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Can't use Noto Color Emoji with Conky

I have a config file with this text ... # Weather ${color orange}Weather ${hr 2}$color ${execpi 3600 ~/.conky/Chau/weather.lua}]]; Here is the weather.lua The output contains an emoji and it is ...
DDMC's user avatar
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how to set the border color of graphs in conky

I'm trying to set the border color to grey in my conky cpu graph, but I can't figure out the way to do this & how the colors are specified, I'm not doing it right. Using the following (the color I ...
simonzack's user avatar
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cairo graphics inside my_conky.lua is eating memory when I use surface_create_from_png

I tried adding images to my conky.lua with the following function function drawimage(cr,img) image = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png (img) cairo_set_source_surface (cr, image, screen.x, ...
Yunus's user avatar
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Conky variable concatenation

My problems is to merge these two functions into one: ${fs_bar 6 dev/sr0} or ${fs_bar 6 /run/media/'home folder name'/'dvd label'} blkid -s LABEL -o value /dev/sr0 I want to obtain a sort of this: ...
Ignorant's user avatar
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Display Chinese and English Characters Conky

So I'm trying to add kind of a word of the day thing to conky, but with Chinese words. There's a few ways I've tried this and with no success. I have my words saved in a csv file formatted like 电脑,...
MaybeALlama's user avatar
3 votes
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Conky auto startup in Fedora 28

This is recurring question yet I cannot make one program (conky) to automatically start when GNOME 3 starts. In ~/.config/autostart I have the following file: cat ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop [...
menteith's user avatar
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How to do math manipulation with variables in conky?

This is part of my conky code. conky.config = { alignment = 'top_right', background = true, color2 = '2ECC71', cpu_avg_samples = 2, default_color = 'FFFFFF', double_buffer = ...
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
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how to display lsb_release info in Conky?

i'd like to display the output of lsb_release -ds in my Conky display. ftr, in my current installation that would output Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia. i had thought of assigning the output of that command ...
hooly's user avatar
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Conky widgets won't render some of their graphics

OS: Arch Desktop: gnome Conky version: 1.10.8-2 + conky-manager-2.4-2 Widgets used: conky seamod (conky_manager default), conky rings The problem: when using one of those widgets a very spesific ...
Asaf's user avatar
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Can I list logins on Conky?

I would like to list the last 3 logins on conky so it would look something like this username 1/1/2018 12:15 - 12:21 (00:06) The format can very.
Starblight's user avatar
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Conky i3bar not recognizing spaces

I redid my i3bar recently with conky. This morning when I woke up the there were un-recognized characters symbols in my bar (where there are spaces in my conkyrc file). Nothing has really changed to ...
akhilcjacob's user avatar
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bash command to get distribution and version only

I am trying to get the distribution name and version number to enter into conky.  I am currently using the following rpm --query centos-release resulting in centos-release 7-4.1708.e17.centos....
Starblight's user avatar
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How can I create a custom conky bar for diskio in Linux?

I am using conky 1.10.3 (conky-all) in Ubuntu 16.10 (x86-64), kernel 4.8.0-59-generic, Cinnamon 3.0.7. How can I create a bar for diskio (actually, one for diskio_read and another for diskio_write)? ...
GregStef's user avatar
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How can I use output of a execi in a conky in a subsequent line

I'm not a coder, just someone who is trying to work with conky for default distribution with a Linux distro. Here I am trying to get automatic net setup. Following posts here and elsewhere, I am able ...
Jerry Bond's user avatar
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Append new lines to stream, until certain number is reached

I'm using this command, which searches pacman.log for packages updated today and converts them into a conky string: tail -500 /var/log/pacman.log | grep -e "\[$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") [0-5][0-9]:[0-9][0-...
Rua4da's user avatar
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DeaDBeeF progressbar for conky (cipricus code)

Hello cipricus or someone that can help. I'm just started using deadbeef conky progressbar by cipricus Very nice script i must say, but... I got an issue, if deadbeef is stoped, the progressbar ...
Nili's user avatar
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How to uninstall conky

I downloaded conky from github: then I installed it using this method: $ mkdir build $ cd build $ ccmake /home/user/conky # this will launch a curses-based UI ...
user1557314's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

How to output a date/time as "20 minutes ago" or "9 days ago", etc

I run rsync as a cron job and display the last backup via conky (i.e. "Last backup 2017 05 12 14:22:20"). I would like to display my last backup as "2 days ago" or "4 hours ago", rather than just ...
Aijalon's user avatar
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