Linked Questions

12 votes
2 answers

How to find the name of the man page of something? [duplicate]

Let's say I want the man page related to luks. man luks doesn't work, is there a quick way for me to find the man pages using the keyword luks from bash ?
ChiseledAbs's user avatar
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4 answers

Getting started with "man": a few questions [duplicate]

I'm having problems with man: How can I display sections of a man-page? How can I figure out what sections a man page offers? According to man man -S is the parameter I need to get a list of "...
phip1611's user avatar
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1 answer

Finding a man page with a standard C or POSIX type? [duplicate]

Is there a way to find a man page given a Standard-C-type or POSIX-type? Such as man size_t or man uintptr_t. This kind of thing can get confusing because uintptr_t is defined in stdint.h, and size_t ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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What command(s) can I use in a terminal to find a program that does a particular thing? [duplicate]

I often find myself alt-tabbing to google "How to do X in Linux". Is there a way to search (say, man pages) in Linux to find tools that might be of use in a particular situation? For example, ...
Obversity's user avatar
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97 votes
8 answers

Colors in Man Pages

When I look at a man page in my 'console' (not an xterm) I see some coloration, but I don't get this in my xterm's (e.g. konsole) is there any way I can enable this? hopefully a fairly simple solution?...
xenoterracide's user avatar
67 votes
3 answers

Difference between help, info and man command

I know that these command will help to get syntax and options for commands but my question is that how they differ from each other?
Rupesh Pawar's user avatar
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65 votes
2 answers

Documentation on LESS_TERMCAP_* variables?

I see these pretty colors in manpages viewed with less when setting a bunch of these variables. What do they mean, where is the documentation? Is this interpreted by less or termcap? screenshot
anselm's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between `chmod a+x` and `chmod +x`? [duplicate]

Found an article saying to use chmod a+x to add execute permission to a file. What is the difference between it and chmod +x? (And is there an easy way to search about these differences in man pages? &...
Carla is my name's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I list all man pages that have certain text without displaying contents? [duplicate]

I'd like to search for a certain string in all system man pages, but I only want to get a list of the man pages where this text appears. The first 2 pages of results Google returned do not provide ...
AnthonyK's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to use the man command to navigate to specific sections of the manual? [duplicate]

I would like to know if there are easier ways to navigate to specific sections of manual pages such as Examples or Options I currently resort to piping man to regex find and retrieve statements. For ...
Micks Ketches's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Rsync directory filtering out files and retaining edge cases (e.g. names w/ hyphen (-) chars)

I have a test folder with the following structure: "driveA" - "bar - foo" - "fileBarFooA" - "fileBarFooB" - "fileA" - "fileB" - "fileC" - "folder.A" - "fileAA" - "fileAB" -...
Vivek Gani's user avatar