Linked Questions

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Is it the terminal or the shell that is responsible for actions of keystrokes? [duplicate]

I don't know exactly if the terminal is the handler of keystrokes like CTRL + C or CTRL + D and many others or the shell. When I press a keystoke I think about it this way, as the picture describes: ...
direprobs's user avatar
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Text insertion bindings in zsh

In zsh, how can I bind (say) c-<cr> to insert &>/dev/null &<cr> at point? I use urxvt.
Toothrot's user avatar
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How reading command line happens in Ubuntu [duplicate]

As I was doing a project, I came to know about how command line can be read using ncurses and GNU's readline library. However I could not find either in Ubuntu (16.04). I am curious to know how Ubuntu ...
hrushi's user avatar
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Which module in a Linux distribution is responsible for keyboard shortcuts? [duplicate]

I have a specific problem with keyboard shortcuts and haven't gotten a solution for it so far, so now i need to know which module within a Linux distribution is responsible for handling keyboard ...
Muhammad Gelbana's user avatar
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Keyboard-key and the resulting character. Who is responsible (in the OS) [duplicate]

Pressing a key on the keyboard results in different types of characters in different OSs, e.g. pressing the up arrow in Windows will result in another sequence of characters than pressing the same key ...
mat's user avatar
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How are keys passed to emacs and gnome terminal?

I want to use Alt+6 to switch to the 6th gnome terminal tab. But when I am in emacs under a terminal tab, the key will be passed to emacs, and not work on terminal. Is the key first caught by ...
Tim's user avatar
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What is the difference between shell builtins and shell keyboard shortcuts?

What is the difference between shell builtins (like cd or echo) and shell keyboard shortcuts (like ctrl+u or ctrl+l)? Both seems to me "builtins", what is the major difference by means of system ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
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How are the processes involved when we send a signal using control keys or running `kill`? [closed]

A signal is sent by or from a process to another process. A bash process is usually run in a terminal emulator process such as gnome terminal. A bash process in turn runs other processes. So when ...
Tim's user avatar
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Keyboard key is not recognized even with showkey

I am using Ubuntu 12.04, in a laptop that I carry around and use with different physical keyboards (as I don't feel comfortable with laptop keyboards) For one of those keyboards (Dell SK-8135) the ...
juanleon's user avatar
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Issue All-In-One Inspiron 2310 Monitor Volume Keys

At the side panel from my all in one monitor, there are 2 keys for raising and lowering volume (see picture). After installing Ubuntu 16.04.03, both keys working proper but after the first system ...
poposchmatzer's user avatar
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Why does Super-F1 display "::1 localhost"?

Why does pressing Super+F1 cause the terminal to output the following (including "s1") on the following prompt? ~ $ ::1 localhost ~ $ s1 Note: The value of $? seems to be preserved, so I ...
Steven's user avatar
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readline - use of modifiers other than control and meta

I'm trying to use Apple's ⌘ command and ⌥ option keys to map some functions in readline to no avail. As per the man page I used octal values but that doesn't seem to work \xHH the eight-bit ...
1.61803's user avatar
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How and when is keyboard data encoded from keyboard to application? [duplicate]

How and when is keyboard data encoded? I just want to know in basic terms the process from the keyboard to the application; when is the data from the keyboard encoded? Is it encoded by the keyboard ...
Mattias's user avatar
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How does a terminal emulator work [duplicate]

I never really understood how a terminal emulator (be it e.g. XTerm or the Linux virtual console) works. What transformations happen to the input (key up/down events) to produce the output (usually ...
peterph's user avatar
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How does terminal in Linux actually work? [duplicate]

I'm using Linux console for years, but currently started thinking of how it actually works. Typing a command as a string and pressing Enter returns its output in the same terminal window. Opening a ...
Some Name's user avatar
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