I'm trying to setup a virtual serial port though a USB-Bluetooth adapter on Linux and send a message to it through an Android device. I'm on kernel 3.6. I'm able to pair to the device successfully using gnome-bluetooth and also able to send files to it.
To set up the serial port I first add a channel with an SP profile to my adapter:
sdptool add --channel=22 SP
Then I call 'listen' with rfcomm:
rfcomm listen /dev/rfcomm0 22
which blocks on
Waiting for connection on channel 22
Apparently rfcomm will create /dev/rfcomm0 upon a successful connection. Once that happens, I'd like to use something like cutecom to send messages back and forth to the connected device.
On my Android device I open up a Bluetooth SPP terminal (there are several out there, I tried a few different ones) and try to connect. They all fail.
Given that I can pair successfully and send files without any issues, I know that bluetooth pairing and communication works.
I'm not too sure what else I can try. I used 'sdptool browse' on my local device and the Android device to ensure that there aren't any RFCOMM channel conflicts.