This is the original command:

yum groupinstall "Desktop" "Desktop Platform" "X Window System" "Fonts"

I would like to create 4 folders for these. (1 folder for each).

mkdir Desktop
mkdir Desktop_Platform
mkdir X_Window_System
mkdir Fonts

Then I would like to run:

yum groupinfo Desktop

to see what packages are in that group, and download each one to the first folder above, via:

yumdownloader --resolve <package_name>

Same thing for every other folder and group above. So I repeat this process 4 times, until each folder has all the RPM files for each group.

Now I re-install CentOS Linux minimal, and then I want to install all of the groups without running:

yum groupinstall "Desktop" "Desktop Platform" "X Window System" "Fonts"

Can it be done by going into each one of those folders individually and running this command:

yum --nogpgcheck localinstall *.rpm


1 Answer 1


Yes as you've described it, it sounds doable. I think I would be inclined to do the following steps.

Setup directories

$ mkdir {Desktop,Desktop_Platform,X_Window_System,Fonts}

Download RPMs

Then run these types of commands to download the RPMs for the given groups:

$ repoquery --qf=%{name} -g --list --grouppkgs=all "Fonts" | \
     xargs -I{} repotrack -a x86_64 -p Fonts/ {}

You can wrap it in a for loop too:

$ for i in "Desktop" "Desktop_Platform" "X_Window_System" "Fonts";do  
    repoquery --qf=%{name} -g --list --grouppkgs=all "$i" | \
       xargs -I{} repotrack -a x86_64 -p $i/ {}; 

This will go through each group and download the packages into their respective directories.


Then use the command as you've described:

$ yum --nogpgcheck localinstall {Desktop,Desktop_Platform,X_Window_System,Fonts}/*.rpm

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