Looking through my system logs, I see the following message in /var/log/messages
Sep 2 15:29:15 <myhostname> systemd[1]: Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs: File exists
So, my question is: How do I troubleshoot this error? What steps should I take to understand what this means, what is causing it, whether it is something to be worried about, and if so, how to correct it?
And, what is the meaning of the message "Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs"? I suspect there must be conceptual background that I am missing. In any case, does this error message suggest some candidate next steps to diagnose the cause of this error message and understand what is causing it?
I've read the systemd docs, but I did not find them helpful with this. It'd be great to have a general guide on what to look for: I suspect this might be helpful to others who also experience the "... contradicts existing jobs" message.