I have a windows PC that is on network A and a windows PC on network B. Also in network B I have several Linux servers. From the PC on network A, I can ssh to any server on network B. I cannot, however, connect to the PC on network A from a computer on network B.
Windows PC Local
__ _
can ssh [__]|=|
.-,( ),-. ---------> .-,( ),-. /::/|_|
.-( )-. .-( )-.
( Network A ) ( Network B )
'-( ).-' '-( ).-'
'-.( ).-' <--------- '-.( ).-'
can't ssh Linux Server #1
Windows PC Remote __ _
__ _ [_Linux Server #2
[__]|=| /: __ _
/::/|_| [__]|=|
I would like to be able to RDP to my network A PC from my network B PC. Is this possible using some sort of reverse tunneling through one of the linux boxes?