I have zsh 4.3.10 installed on a RHEL 6.4 box. I'm not sure why this happens, but when I but Tab to autocomplete things, it also adds a tab character.
For example:
rocket@rhelbox www % vim vim
external command
vim vimdiff vimtutor
So, when I type VIMTab, after the Tab it adds a tab to my console, then finishes the autocomplete action. The command works fine, it's just annoying. I cannot backspace to remove it either. I don't know what's causing this.
Here's my .zshrc
# Initialize Autocompletion and Autocorrection
autoload -U compinit promptinit
#prompt redhat
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%U%B%d%b%u'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format '%BSorry, no matches for: %d%b'
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1
setopt correctall
# Custom PS1
autoload -U colors && colors
# http://www.understudy.net/custom.html#Z_color
#PS1="%n@%m %c %% "
PS1="${fg_purple}%n@%m %{$fg[yellow]%}%c %% %{$reset_color%}"
# cd is automagically added
setopt autocd
# Save History
setopt hist_ignore_all_dups
# Keybindings
bindkey "^[OH" beginning-of-line
bindkey "^[OF" end-of-line
bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
# Aliases
alias ls="ls --color=auto"
# Set (SVN) Editor to vim
export SVN_EDITOR=vim
export EDITOR=vim