I have a mac at home and a mac at work. The work mac is setup for ssh to all work related servers. Sometimes I have to connect from my home mac and access the servers which are setup on my work mac. When I connect to VPN and ssh into my work mac, and try to ssh to any other servers which are set in the config of my work mac it's asking for my passphrase for the user of my work mac, which I don't have any, so I just hit enter and then it asks for the password for the server I want to connect to (keyless ssh setup).
The ssh-agent is not running by default when I connect to my work mac via ssh. I have to start it manually.
I also have a similar setup on my home mac, sshing into a linux virtualbox and then to an amazon ec2 instance using the ssh-agent from the box and it works fine without any problems.
Could you tell me how to fix this issue? Or a workaround?