I've gotten myself in a bit of a bind, here.
A while ago I set up an encrypted Unbuntu 13.04 under Xen. It's virtual disk is an LVM LV.
This LV was presented to the DomU as a (whole) physical disk during installation, and I let Ubuntu's installer set up encrypted root and swap (using LVM).
However, I forgot to write down the root pw. Or I wrote it down wrong. After a power failure the other day I cannot get back into the machine as root.
I have the passphrase for the DomU:s LVM partition though, so the DomU goes up. I just can't log in. Booting with init=/bin/bash
does not work, since init needs to unlock the encrypted partition.
I can't figure out how to open the LVM-containg partition the LVM LV from Dom0, either, since ´cryptsetup luksOpen´ won't accept an offset in the LVM LV.
Does anyone know how to get into the LV - Partition - (LVM) - LV and reset the root password?