I'm trying to simulate GNU Screen's shelltitle
feature in tmux. I have the
following in my ~/.bashrc
if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then
PS1="\n\w ${SCREEN_ESC}$ "
and the following in my ~/.screenrc
shelltitle "$ |bash"
Setting shelltitle
makes GNU Screen search for a newline in the shell and
strip away all the characters from $PS1
upto the escape character, and replace
it with the first word found after that. This is more clearly explained in the
man page:
Here's how it works: you must modify your shell prompt to output a null title-escape-sequence (<esc>k<esc>) as a part of your prompt. The last part of your prompt must be the same as the string you specified for the search portion of the title. Once this is set up, screen will use the title-escape-sequence to clear the previous command name and get ready for the next command. Then, when a newline is received from the shell, a search is made for the end of the prompt. If found, it will grab the first word after the matched string and use it as the command name. If the command name begins with either '!', '%', or '^' screen will use the first word on the following line (if found) in preference to the just- found name.
This is different from tmux's set-option -g set-titles on
which only captures
the process name. So a Python script script.py
would be titled as script.py
in Screen (which is the way I want it) whereas, it would be titled as python
in tmux (which I don't want.)
I know that one can rename tmux windows by:
printf '\033kWINDOW_NAME\033\\'
So I was wondering if there is some way I can alternatively let tmux know that
I've entered a new command. If there is some way I can get the last command
entered, I could use Bash's PROMPT_COMMAND
to do this. Any ideas?