EDIT: sorry. this is my first question here.

Here is a minimal working example


function something() {
    if test -f "$1"; then
        # is a file
        echo $count $1
    elif test -d "$1"; then
        # is a folder
        find $1 | while read line; do
            if [ $1 != $line ]; then  # first line in find is the folder itself. prevent infinte recursion
                something $line

while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    something "$1"

echo "Processed $count files"

Example output:

$ ./test.sh *
1 0/file1.txt
2 0/file2.txt
1 1/file1.txt
2 1/file2.txt
1 2/file1.txt
2 2/file2.txt
1 3/file1.txt
2 3/file2.txt
1 4/file1.txt
2 4/file2.txt
1 5/file1.txt
2 5/file2.txt
1 6/file1.txt
2 6/file2.txt
1 7/file1.txt
2 7/file2.txt
1 8/file1.txt
2 8/file2.txt
1 9/file1.txt
2 9/file2.txt
1 test.sh
Processed 1 files

As you can see each time I call the function recursively it returns to the variable state on parent function and messes up the count.

Using Ubuntu 22.06 on WSL2 VM

  • 4
    This is obviously not your real code. Do you use local anywhere? Or declare inside a function? If not, then the variable is global. No there is no separate global scope. Commented Sep 3 at 19:42
  • 1
    I agree with glenn.  This is confusing.   (1) What does unpack have to do with A and B?   (2) What do the command-line parameters have to do with anything?  Do they affect the control flow?   (3) It’s hard to debug “sometimes”.  Can you clarify?   (4) For a given scenario, is the result consistent?   (5) Can you give a runnable example that demonstrates the problem (perhaps including tests on "$1" that determine whether A calls itself or B)? … (Cont’d) Commented Sep 3 at 20:10
  • 1
    (Cont’d) …  (6) Suggestion: change your echo statements to echo "A: $count" and echo "outside: $count".  Add echo "B: $count", echo "Calling A with arg xxx" and echo "Calling B" in the appropriate places. Commented Sep 3 at 20:10
  • 2
    Sorry. Done. Had to try a few times to reproduce
    – Shlomo V
    Commented Sep 3 at 20:50
  • Copy/paste your script into shellcheck.net and it'll tell you of some additional issues you need to fix.
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Sep 4 at 11:04

1 Answer 1


Do I get it right that you want to count all files in a directory tree, or something like that? I.e. you want the variable count to be global?

Your issue is here:

find $1 | while read line; do

See that pipeline? What pipelines do is that they start two or more processes in parallel, and doing that requires starting distinct OS-level processes. Which the shell does here by cloning itself. Those clones can't affect the parent process, so the variable is effectively localized, and when the pipeline ends, you get the original value back.

See Why is my variable local in one 'while read' loop, but not in another seemingly similar loop? for solutions to that.

As an example, a normal recursive function:

% cat local1.sh

func() {
    (( count++ ))
    printf "$1 %$1s count=$count\n" ""
    if (( $1 < 3 )); then
        func $(( $1 + 1 ))
    printf "$1 %$1s count=$count\n" ""

func 1

running that prints:

1   count=2
2    count=3
3     count=4
3     count=4
2    count=4
1   count=4

Now, change the inner func line to e.g. echo | func $(( $1 + 1 )) and you'll see the count go back down when the function calls return.

Now, another thing entirely is that calling find on each level of a recursive tree walk is a bit suspicious, since find will itself recursively walk the whole tree. Are you sure you want to add another walk on top of that? It'll lead to directories being processed multiple times.

If we go back to counting files, you could do that with just one find, e.g.:

find "$dir" -type f | wc -l

though that would count filenames with newlines as multiple files. With GNU find, you could use ... -printf x | wc -c to avoid that.

Actually, just removing the manual recursion should be all right to call a function for each (regular) file:

shopt -s lastpipe

func() {
    echo "processing '$1'..."
find "$1" -type f | while IFS= read -r file; do
    func "$file"
echo "end. count=$count"

Clear IFS and use read -r as above to avoid having read treat whitespace and backslashes specially.

(and to avoid issues with newlines in filenames, use find ... -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do ... in Bash))

  • 1
    @ShlomoV, I was more worried about correctness than efficiency. Anyway, wouldn't it do to just run find once and loop over the output? (see edit)
    – ilkkachu
    Commented Sep 3 at 21:35
  • 1
    yes but I need to have an option to iterate over files OR traverse through folders too, but yes, you make sense. Regarding my question, according to the link you gave me The answer would be, replacing: find $1 | while read line; do... done with while read line; do... done < <(find $1)
    – Shlomo V
    Commented Sep 3 at 21:44
  • 5
    @ShlomoV I suggest you post a new question, explaining what you want the script to do and showing what you have so far. If we know the real objective, we could probably help you find a more efficient way to achieve it.
    – terdon
    Commented Sep 3 at 23:38
  • 1
    @EdMorton, doh, silly me, I tried to be simpler there, but of course that has the same issue with the subshell when the loop ends... Actually, I think pipes look better than <(), so perhaps lastpipe would do...
    – ilkkachu
    Commented Sep 4 at 13:28
  • 1
    another possibilité to not use a pipe: mkfifo /tmp/a_pipe ; find ... > /tmp/a_pipe & while read line; do ... ; done < /tmp/a_pipe ; command rm /tmp/a_pipe : no subshells needed. Commented Sep 4 at 14:43

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