I just finished this guide on (almost) full disk encryption. So now my root directory and /boot directory are both encrypted, and GRUB is password-protected. /boot/efi is still unencrypted. I haven't done section 4 of the guide yet (which will auto-complete password prompts 2 and 3 below once finished)
Times where I typed my password are marked with red. I enter my password here (this first prompt is the one I have a question about)
and then select Ubuntu in GRUB:
and then again later in the boot process I am prompted to unlock each partition.
and after that Ubuntu boots and prints more output: (this is a representative sample but far from all of the output)
and then I get the login screen.
Prompts 1, 2, and 3 are set up to be the same password (I don't know if they're all checking against the same resource for the hash, but at the least, the same input unlocks each one). The GRUB password is different and it is only asked for if I attempt to change GRUB settings (so, it is not prompt 1). I'm pretty sure prompts 2 and 3 are the cryptoLUKS system to unlock each partition.
- So what is prompt 1? When I enter my password, what program is handling it? Is that part of cryptoLUKS? GRUB? Something lower-level?
- And what exactly am I unlocking? I have two encrypted partitions but three times I enter a password, so where does that odd prompt out go?
Thank you very much!