I am porting a shell script written for Arch to Debian.
The relevant part:
keymaps=$(localectl list-keymaps)
if test -n "${1}" && localectl list-keymaps | grep -q "${1}"
exec 3>&1
keymap=$(/sbin/dialog --title "Keyboard layout" --menu "Choose a keyboard layout" 25 50 20 $(for item in ${keymaps[@]}; do echo ${item} "-" ; done) 2>&1 1>&3) || exit 1
exec 3>&-
localectl set-keymap ${keymap}
if [[ $DISPLAY ]] && [[ -r /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf ]]; then
# X11 is already running
x11keymap=$(awk '/^\s*Option "XkbLayout"/ { print $3 }' /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf)
setxkbmap -layout ${x11keymap}
The problem is, localectl list-keymaps
and localectl set-keymap ${keymap}
do not seem to work on Debian systems. I did some research and figured out that that is because instead of using a pure systemd
solution to control the keyboard layout in the console like Fedora and Arch, Debian uses a mix of systemd
and sysvinit
However, I was unable to find a way to set a keymap like with localectl set-keymap ${keymap}
—running this command doesn't throw an error, but the layout doesn't change. I was able to make localectl list-keymaps
list keymaps by manually adding them following this solution https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/763320/610025, but I'm afraid it will not work with the actual layout changing command. Is there a Debian-working solution?