I have installed ansible and created new users for controller and remote hosts. Have set up the below steps, but getting error, can anyone suggest ??
- Entered user using visudo, for both controller and client.
kt-ansible ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
- Changed permit root login to yes and password auth to yes in sshd_config on remote host & restart sshd service.
Getting an error like below while copying the pub keys to remote host.
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
Any other change required on sshd_config file ? Additionally I tried to setup permitrootlogin to yes and pubkeyauthentication to yes as well.
Many Thanks, Piyush
ansible-playbook [your-cli parameters] -vvvv
So we can see the users and details that you configured on your machine.