I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, Debian derivate, so the following might differ a bit.
First you have to locate the binary / executable; easiest done with locate
, which of some reason
isn't installed by default (on Ubuntu), so:
Open a terminal (e.g. a Bash prompt) and type what is shown below
(hitting ENTER at the end of each line)...
First to check if locate
is available; type $ locate
and hit ENTER, if that prints something like command not found
then the first two commands below is to get it installed and it's database updated / initialized (you will be asked to type your password for both).
$ sudo apt install mlocate
$ sudo updatedb
$ locate characters | grep gnome
Files in /usr/bin/ (one of the bin dirs generally) are most likely actual executables, to verify this (here)
$ which gnome-characters
is likely to print /usr/bin/gnome-characters
, and just gnome-characters
should start it.
Copy (SHIFT+CTRL+C to copy in the Terminal)
and paste (CTRL+V in the GUI)
into the "Command" field
and then click "Add"; this will is most likely allow you to define a keyboard shortcut to use.
(Which I cannot check/verify/show due to being on Ubuntu)