I would like to print all my C comments to a separate text file.

  • Using awk, sed, grep, or bash
  • output all multi-line C comments between /* ... */ (inclusive)
  • output lines with // comments
  • Optional: print line numbers

I tried these solutions but it did not work on Ubuntu

The purpose of my request is to be able to quickly use the source code comments as a starting point for good documentation. I do not like the extra clutter and proprietary embedded commands (i.e. Doxygen) of dedicated documentation programs. For example, properly commenting each source code function and removing superficial one line comments will be a great time saver, and provide a nearly complete reference. This will also encourage better source code comments.

  • 1
    How robust does it need to be? In particular if you have /* inside a string does it need to work correctly?
    – icarus
    Commented Jan 5 at 5:30
  • No special cases. My source files are plain vanilla so a simple straight forward solution is fine. I just want to improve documentation and have a starting point.
    – jwzumwalt
    Commented Jan 5 at 5:34
  • 2
    Plain vanilla source files can still have printf("/* Automatically generated file, do not edit!\n") in them! To solve this problem you pretty much need to go character by character through the source file, making choices on each one. This tends to rule of grep. Let me see what I can come up with.
    – icarus
    Commented Jan 5 at 5:42
  • Do you allow nested comments?
    – nobody
    Commented Jan 5 at 12:25
  • 1
    Programs, such as Doxygen have all the edge cases that makes this kind of thing very difficult, and a simple grep won't work. Also, it works on undocumented code, so you don't need all the 'extra clutter'.
    – Neil
    Commented Jan 5 at 15:54

5 Answers 5


There's been quite a few answers using shell-magic already, but I think it can be done a lot easier by using the tools you probably already have. Namely, gcc.

diff -u <(gcc -fpreprocessed -dD -E main.c) main.c | grep '^+' | cut -c 2-

How it works?

  1. gcc -fpreprocessed -dD -E main.c Removes all comments from a file and puts it on stdout

  2. diff -u <(...) main.c Takes the input from stdout and compares it with the original

  3. grep '^+' Filters on all lines starting with a +. In other words: filter on what was previously a determined a comment

  4. cut -c 2- Remove the + symbols from the output

No need for super complex regex, perl or awk stuff while also covering all edge cases that the other answers might have missed.

  • 7
    +1 for parsing C rather than using Regexp (even though I love using regexp) Commented Jan 5 at 15:29
  • 2
    That doesn't really work in practice on real life C code, partly because gcc -E affects the spacing (that part can be addressed with the -w option of diff), partly because it assumes comments consist of whole lines, and also because diff can include the same (uncommented) line both as -line and +line in some hunks, when the preprocessor adds some #... in addition to removing some comments. You can compare with the output of my answer's solution to see where it fails. Commented Jan 6 at 13:01
  • 1
    @RedGrittyBrick, you don't need to do a full C language parsing, only tokenising like the C pre-processor does, which is not hard to do with perl regexps, certainly not as hard as parsing XML with regexps like in the Q&A you link to. Commented Jan 6 at 14:34
  • @StéphaneChazelas When writing this answer, I used it on real life C code. Indeed, it doesn't remove the non-comment parts of lines containing inline comments, but... that's not what OP asked. So, yes. Our answers provide slightly different output, but for all practical purposes both are functional and do what OP asked. It's just that, in my humble opinion, using gcc is a lot simpler and readable than the big block of perl code.
    – Opifex
    Commented Jan 7 at 0:00
  • As I said, the problems are not limited to comments not taking up the full lines. Try it for instance in the (very short) Src/main.c or Src/builtinc.c in the source code of zsh which are the two files I tried it on. Commented Jan 7 at 10:00

It's not as trivial as it may seem if you take into account things like: puts("string with /*") bearing in mind that "s can occur in ch = '"'.

Or line continuations:

printf("...");    /\
* yes, this is a comment */
/ and this as well

Or trigraphs.

To cover those, we can adapt this answer to the opposite question to make it print rather than remove the comments:

perl -0777 -pe '
      # /* ... */ C comments
      / (?<lc> # line continuation
          (?<bs> # backslash in its regular or trigraph form
            \\ | \?\?/
          (?: \n | \r\n?) # handling LF, CR and CRLF line delimiters
        )* \* .*? \* (?&lc)* /
      | / (?&lc)* / (?:(?&lc) | [^\r\n])* # // C++/C99 comments
    ) |
       "(?:(?&bs)(?&lc)*.|.)*?" # "strings" literals
       | '\''(?&lc)*(?:(?&bs)(?&lc)*(?:\?\?.|.))?(?:\?\?.|.)*?'\'' # (w)char literals
       | \?\?'\'' # trigraph form of ^
       | .[^'\''"/?]* # anything else
  }{$+{comment} eq "" ? "" : "$+{comment}\n"}exsg'

Which on the contrived examples from the other question which cover most of the corner cases:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  printf("%d %s %s %c%c%c%c%c %s %s %d\n",
  1-/* comment */-1,
* comment */
  "/* not a comment */",
  /* multiline
  comment */
  // comment
/ comment
  // multiline\
  "// not a comment",
  '"' /* comment */ , '"',
  '\'','"'/* comment */,
"', /* comment */
" /* not a comment */ ",
  "??/" /* not a comment */ ",
  '??''+'"' /* "comment" */);
  return 0;


/* comment */
* comment */
/* multiline
  comment */
// comment
/ comment
// multiline\
/* comment */
/* comment */
/* comment */
/* "comment" */

To get the line numbers, as we're running in slurp mode where the subject is the whole input as opposed to processing the input one line at a time, it's a bit more tricky. We could do it though using the (?{code}) regexp operator to increment a counter each time a line delimiter (CR, LF or CRLF in C) is found:

perl -0777 -pe '
      (?<lc>  # line continuation
        (?<bs> # backslash in its regular or trigraph form
          \\ | \?\?/
        ) (?<nl>(?:\n|\r\n?) (?{$n++})) # handling LF, CR and CRLF line delimiters
        \* (?: (?&nl) | .)*? \* (?&lc)* / # /* ... */ C comments
        | / (?:(?&lc) | [^\r\n])*         # // C++/C99 comments
    ) |
       "(?:(?&bs)(?&lc)*.|.)*?" # "strings" literals
       | '\''(?&lc)*(?:(?&bs)(?&lc)*(?:\?\?.|.))?(?:\?\?.|.)*?'\'' # (w)char literals
       | \?\?'\'' # trigraph form of ^
       | (?&nl)
       | .[^'\''"/?\r\n]* # anything else
  }{$+{comment} eq "" ? "" : sprintf("%5d %s\n", $l, $+{comment})}exsg'

Which on that same sample gives:

    5 /* comment */
    6 /\
* comment */
    9 /* multiline
  comment */
   11 // comment
   12 /\
/ comment
   14 // multiline\
   17 /* comment */
   18 /* comment */
   21 /* comment */
   26 /* "comment" */
  • Thank you for the education. I had no idea there were so many edge cases. I originally started to write a C program for this and got about two hours in to writing the program and realized it was going to be much more difficult than anticipated. :-)
    – jwzumwalt
    Commented Jan 5 at 11:09
  • 1
    @jwzumwalt writing a C program is a probably a better approach than the answer you have currently accepted (You can change the accepted answer if you think a better one is available). However use a program to write a C program is an even better approach. This question is almost perfect for a solution written in lex or flex, or re2c ot similar tools. It should be about 50 lines.
    – icarus
    Commented Jan 6 at 18:34

It can be done in awk as follows:


# Handles case where both /* and */ are on the same line
{ line_printed = 0; }

# Find the beginning of a multiline comment
/^[[:space:]]*\/\*/ {
    multiline = 1;

    # Remove leading spaces
    printf "[%d] %s\n", NR, $0;
    line_printed = 1;

# Find the end of a multiline comment
/\*\/[[:space:]]*$/ {
    multiline = 0;
    if (line_printed == 0)
        printf "%s", $0;

    print "\n"

# The content between /* and */
    if ( multiline == 1 && line_printed == 0 )
        print $0;

# A single line comment
/^[[:space:]]*\/\// {
    # Remove leading spaces
    printf "[%d] %s\n\n", NR, $0;

Save this script as foo.awk (or any other name; the extension is optional) and then run with awk -f foo.awk input.c. The script will print all comments (separated by an extra newline) and will add the line number before every comment.

  • 3
    There are several corner cases that this doesn't handle, for example int i; // loop counter, two comments on the same line, strings with /* in them. It may be good enough.
    – icarus
    Commented Jan 5 at 6:32
  • How do you use it? I tried "doc.sh < main.c", "cat main.c | doc.sh", etc.
    – jwzumwalt
    Commented Jan 5 at 6:46
  • Use it as follows: awk -f script_file source_code.c > comments.txt @jwzumwalt
    – td211
    Commented Jan 5 at 10:42
  • strings with /* in them arent an issue, since the regex matches the first /* that follows any number of spaces.
    – td211
    Commented Jan 5 at 10:44
  • Works GREAT! Thx. The only special case I have (and it still works) is a line with double //, when a commented line is commented out. - :-)
    – jwzumwalt
    Commented Jan 5 at 10:55

Well definitely not the fanciest one, nor the most recommended, because it has some flaws. But I think it looks really cool:

awk '/\/\//; /\/\*.*\*\//; /\*\//; /^\/\*/ { a=1 } /\*\// { a=0 } a && $0 != "/*" { print }'
  • Thank you for the effort. This works except it cuts off (does not print) the last line containing .... */
    – jwzumwalt
    Commented Jan 5 at 11:05
  • @jwzumwalt changed it. It does now :)
    – Bog
    Commented Jan 5 at 11:37
  • 2
    It is cool, but scary. Why don't you relax it a bit and comment what you're doing?
    – td211
    Commented Jan 5 at 11:49
  • I didn't know about here docs before. Looks interesting to know, thanks! (Writing short but unreadable one liners is cool, but it probably will bite you later, so be careful) @Bog
    – td211
    Commented Jan 5 at 12:07
  • 3
    I get it, I also enjoy using weird and unreadable code, but I don't post it here without an explanation. The point of these sites isn't to just give a solution, it's to share knowledge, so a complex and opaque solution with no explanation ins't very helpful.
    – terdon
    Commented Jan 6 at 12:01

Update 2/15/24 - While learning to use Raylib, I came across a C "parser" included in their software suite that appears to do exactly what I needed, see: https://github.com/raysan5/raylib It has the added benefit of finding and nicely formatting all strucs, defines, functions, call backs, etc.

typical example

Function 232: DrawRectangleRounded() (4 input parameters)
  Name: DrawRectangleRounded
  Return type: void
  Description: Draw rectangle with rounded edges
  Param[1]: rec (type: Rectangle)
  Param[2]: roundness (type: float)
  Param[3]: segments (type: int)
  Param[4]: color (type: Color)

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