I have the following short and simple .vimrc file that I've started as I begin to learn and write my own .vimrc:
1 set number
3 highlight GoComment xtermfg=blue
5 syntax on
However, when I try to source it, I get the following:
Error detected while processing /home/matt/.vimrc:
line 3:
E423: Illegal argument: xtermfg=blue
Press ENTER or type command to continue
as well as:
Command 'highlight' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install highlight
syntax: command not found
does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Bear with me, I haven't made my own .vimrc file before
, you don't source anything... if yousource
it, your shell will try to execute those statements.vim
is never going to tell you to install something withapt
to my knowledge.