A piece of software I would like to use, xsos, comes with a bash-completion script.

Where is the correct place to store it on a Fedora system?

Should I create a generic directory in my $HOME and then call it from .bashrc?


1 Answer 1


If you look at the content of the script, it is indicated in it ;-)

# Save it to: /etc/bash_completion.d/

Just for information, on Fedora (38 at least) there is the following directory:


The .bashrc sources all files inside:

# User specific aliases and functions
if [ -d ~/.bashrc.d ]; then
        for rc in ~/.bashrc.d/*; do
                if [ -f "$rc" ]; then
                        . "$rc"

If you want to source a file for everyone on the system, put it in


But for your specific question, I think the answer is inside the script itself, as I showed you ;-).


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