I did a reperformance. With clean boot of liveISO. It showed that removing entry from file in /etc/apt/preferences.d
Package: *
Pin: release o=linuxmint,c=upstream
Pin-Priority: 700
changes the result. So something additional effected my initial result when even after removing preferences files from /etc/apt/preferences.d
result persisted. I want to dig more, but not sure where to.
The package in question has no dependencies (as per contents of file in /lib/apt/lists for deb
scheme and from dpkg -I
for local file
scheme deb file). Architecture is same, source is same, section is same for both.
As of now I've found pin preferences in /etc/apt/preferences.d
/ /etc/apt/preferences
can "make" apt
to choose older version to install, however I've removed those files (also there was no /etc/apt/apt.conf
), run apt-get update
just in case, still same fetching of older version. What else to try? Maybe there is some APT
command to re-read prerefences?
empty (should be as no /etc/apt/apt.conf
, correct?).
Local archive does NOT have Release
file (I have not used apt-secure
, file
scheme is marked as trusted
As of my current progress with man apt_preferences
results of apt-get install
are still puzzling.
Of links web search helped me to get only relevant was Is there some searching order between the added repositories?, which states info about order of same versions.
I'm learning to set up Debian archive, I've skimmed through man pages apt
, apt-get
, apt.conf
, sources.list
. Not seen info about order more than mentioned in the above QA link.
My steps. I've done apt-get update
then apt-get install -d package1
, package2
, etc. I've copied deb
files from apt cache
to liveISO booted PC, set up Debian archive and has been doing apt-get install package1
, etc on second one.
When I've completely removed sources and wrote only local file
scheme line to /etc/apt/sources.list
(following by apt-get update
), all of more than a dozen of packages got successfully installed from local.
But when I added same line with local file
scheme in /etc/apt/sources.list
while original deb
schemes remained in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
, for one package (one of those mentioned in paragraph above) I’ve noted apt tried to download and install version from deb
scheme even though it was of smaller number. As I’ve recently downloaded deb
files from same deb
archives as in liveISO sources I assume lesser number indeed means older version.
What could be the reason for apt-get
prioritizing older version?
apt policy questionable
say (replacingquestionable
with the name of your questionable package)?