I have a GPT formatted SSD Drive that I have moved from a rather new laptop to an older one that has an old BIOS. The Linux systems installed on it work fine (Kubuntu 22.04 and Mint 21), although I cannot install Windows (but that's another matter that doesn't concern us here).
I want to fix the grub so that it boots into Kubuntu (set Kubuntu as the grub location). —After trying to install Windows and failing, and then trying to fix the grub with grub-repair and failing, as explained here, I have installed a supplementary Linux Mint system in order to be able to access the old one. Now I want to get rid of the second Linux, but that would make my laptop unusable unless I make Kubuntu the the default boot before or after removing Mint (which I don't know how).—
With MBR drives it seemed very simple to me to use Boot Repair and fix frequent errors after installing or removing operating systems. But since a few years, with UEFI and GPT I usually end up with solutions that don't involve Boot Repair.
Here, I don't want to re-format the drive and change to a MBR structure.
On the other hand, changing or updating to UEFI is not an option on this machine.
I get this error saying the session is in BIOS / legacy mode.
Is Boot Repair only handling GPT under UEFI?
- By the way: after taking the drive out and connecting it externally to a UEFI computer, can I use Boot Repair on that computer to set grub location on the Kubuntu 22.04 partition (on that GPT external drive) so that back on the old PC it boots as intended? — Or is thus setting grub location on a partition of an external drive going to destroy the grub configuration of the UEFI computer?