I'm trying to record the size of the compressed build file using Fastlane in my CICD pipeline. If I try this in the command line:
du -h fileName.ipa | awk '{print $1}'
it works fine. However, if I try to put it in my script, like so:
sh '''
# Add filesize to release message
var fileName=`cat '"#{IPA_FILE_NAME_FILE}"'`
fileSizeInfo=(du -h '"#{IPA_FILE_PATH}"'$fileName | awk '{print $1}')
echo "$buildInfo"
sed -i -e "s|FILESIZE_INFO|'"$fileSizeInfo"'|g" '"#{RELEASE_MESSAGE_HTML_FILE_NAME}"'
it gives me these syntax errors:
[17:50:24]: 262: var fileName=`cat '"#{IPA_FILE_NAME_FILE}"'`
[17:50:24]: => 263: fileSizeInfo=(du -h '"#{IPA_FILE_PATH}"'$fileName | awk '{print $1}')
[17:50:24]: 264: echo "$buildInfo"
[17:50:24]: 265: sed -i -e "s|FILESIZE_INFO|'"$fileSizeInfo"'|g" '"#{RELEASE_MESSAGE_HTML_FILE_NAME}"'
[!] Syntax error in your Fastfile on line 263: Fastfile:263: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting `end'
..._FILE_PATH}"'$fileName | awk '{print $1}')
... ^
Fastfile:285: syntax error, unexpected `end', expecting end-of-input
I'm kind of a newbie to shell scripting, so any help is appreciated - I probably just have some quotes in the wrong place or something. If it helps, Fastlane uses Ruby syntax, so that's Ruby string interpolation in there.
Here's the whole lane I'm calling in my fastfile, for more context:
# Send message MS Teams Channel
lane:sendTeamsMessage do |options|
MS Teams messages are sent using webhooks and it got limited support to HTML and Markdown.
This implementation uses HTML formatted message.
Webhook will not accept new lines or double quotes because it can break the JSON struture.
The message file preparation is done in multiple steps.
1. Add .ipa file size info to release message HTML
2. Replace all double quotes with single quotes
3. Copy the Teams message payload template and update it with the message content
4. Replace 'MESSAGE_INFO' string with the HTML formatted content file
5. Send the message to Teams channel
sh '''
# Add filesize to release message
var fileName=`cat '"#{IPA_FILE_NAME_FILE}"'`
var fullFilePath='"#{IPA_FILE_PATH}"'$fileName
echo fullFilePath
fileSizeInfo=(du -h $fullFilePath | awk '{print $1}')
echo "$buildInfo"
sed -i -e "s|FILESIZE_INFO|'"$fileSizeInfo"'|g" '"#{RELEASE_MESSAGE_HTML_FILE_NAME}"'
sh '''
# Copy the release message html file
# Replace all double quotes with single quotes to make it JSON friendly
message=`cat '"#{TEAMS_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME}"'`
sed -i -e "s|MESSAGE_INFO|'"$message"'|g" '"#{TEAMS_PAYLOAD_FILE_NAME}"'
# Send the message to Teams channel
sh '''
echo '"#{options[:webhook]}"'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @'"#{TEAMS_PAYLOAD_FILE_NAME}"' '"#{options[:webhook]}"'
I tried moving the filepath/filename out to its own variable, but I'm still getting the same issue.
gives the 'size on disk' of the file - which may be either more or less than the 'size' of the file, depending on block size and sparse files and the like. If you want to know how many bytes long the file is, the most portable way is to usestat --format %s <filename>
output and processing that in Ruby directly to create your message?