I have a file with the following sample records for buy and sell events
Buy at time=Thu Aug 03 2023 14:13:08 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Sell-at time=Thu Aug 03 2023 14:53:02 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
I want to get whole UTC string from all the lines and get time difference between these records, however, i am not able to extract whole date time string to get differnce between them. i have tried this but not able to get time. Can any one help me out.
while read line
echo $name | sed -e 's/time=\(.*\)(Central/\1/'
done < $1
Solution using shell, awk or sed is required. i can also use GNU date if required
(the default on Linux systems) and ii) the exact output you would like to see from your example input. Can you also clarify why you can only use those three specific tools? Would a Perl one liner not be acceptable, for instance?