This is a nftables beginner question.

Given the rule:

iifname $NIC_NAME tcp dport 22 accept

in the chain_input chain below:

table inet table_inet {
    chain chain_input {
        type filter hook input priority 0
        iif lo accept
        icmp type echo-request accept
        ct state established,related accept
        iifname $NIC_NAME tcp dport 22 accept
        policy drop
    chain chain_output {
        type filter hook output priority 0
        policy accept
    chain chain_forward {
        type filter hook forward priority 0
        policy drop

how can I modify this rule so that only packets with an IP in the same LAN are accepted?
With iptables I used the option -m iprange --src-range for the LAN
I hope my question is clear enough.


I propose:

iifname $NIC_NAME tcp dport 22 ip saddr accept

With the accept policy, I can connect to the SSH server, with the drop policy, I can't.

1 Answer 1


Your proposed

iifname $NIC_NAME tcp dport 22 ip saddr accept

seems correct to me.

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