My employer is located in Europe (CET), and therefore we use daylight saving time, which requires shifting an hour hence and forth twice a year. Our servers are running in the cloud in different locations. The employee who set up all the infrastructure is gone. He decided to use UTC as the system time zone on all servers (currently Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04).
This is not ideal, because you have to mentally add 1/2 hours to every date you see in a log file, depending on the time of the year (+2 hours in the summer, +1 hour in the winter). The timing of some cronjobs also needs to be adjusted twice a year, because the tasks should be run at noon CET.
Is there any good reason to (still) use UTC as the system's time zone? Or should I rather switch to CET, so that my cronjobs and logfiles better align to the wall clock?
). Though that may be even more confusing than a single timezone for everything...CRON_TZ
. Our servers are contractually mandated to be UTC, but they "live" in the US east coast. Thus, it's set to America/New_York, as isTZ
in .bash_profile.