I relocate my /home/user to another partition with /etc/fstab.
rootfs is on my SSD with the "original" /home/user folder.
I located /home/user to a SD-card.
Why does the system not called the .profile in my new /home/user? Instead it calls the .profile in the SSD/home/user. It seems that the .profile is called before the mount of home/user is done. Why?
This is the entry in my fstab:
/dev/mmcblk1p1 /home vfat defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,uid=user,gid=user,umask=022,user,exec 0 2
So the new mountpoint is also /home I thought this is enough to redirect the home directory
What can I do? Delete the .bashrc, .profile at SSD/home/user?