I installed Debian bullseye on my MacBook Air 2020 Corei7 laptop. During and after installation, the keyboard, trackpad, WIFI, and bluetooth were not working. I followed this answer in an effort to partly resolve the issue but run into some linux-headers file not been found issue as described here. I resolved that issue but run into another error kernel preparation unnecessary for this kernel. Skipping... whenever I run the command dkms install -m applespi -v 0.1 as instructed in this Stackoverflow answer.

I later found out the error may be because applespi v0.1 is no longer compatible with new linux kernel versions. I made sure I installed all missing firmware reported by update-initramfs -u, yet the keyboard, trackpad, WIFI, and bluetooth were still not working.

How do I make my keyboard, trackpad, WIFI and bluetooth work?

1 Answer 1


It turned out I must follow the post-installation instructions described here because my MacBook is a T2 Macbook.

I'd advise to read state of features to further help decide if it's actually worth dual-booting Linux on your T2 Macbook machine

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