I have an issue with the conversion (migration) from zabbix 6.0 to zabbix 6.2. I have a playbook in Ansible to automatically add a host to zabbix with some host_groups and Templates predefined which worked on Zabbix 6.0 but in 6.2 zabbix added the Template_groups and now the playbook complains that it can't find the templates anymore.
Here is a part of the playbook:
- name: ZABBIX - Create or update host
module: community.zabbix.zabbix_host
server_url: https://monitor.localdomain
login_user: "a*******a"
login_password: "S*********************y"
host_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
visible_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
tls_psk_identity: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
tls_accept: 2
tls_connect: 2
tls_psk: "{{ psk.stdout }}"
- Linux servers
- Template OS Linux
- Template YUM Updates
status: enabled
state: present
inventory_mode: automatic
- type: 1
main: 1
useip: 1
ip: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
- type: 2
main: 1
useip: 1
ip: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
community: "{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}"
version: 2
proxy: "ZabbixProxy"
ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python3"
- zabbix-agent
This worked perfectly on 6.0 and added the servers to the host_group Linux Servers and added the templates OS Linux and YUM updates with no issue.
Now in 6.2 it complains that it can't find the templates, and if I outhash the templates it complains that it can't find the host_group. When I outhash that it complains that it has to have at least 1 host group.... :|
I tried all combinations of templates, as the templates are now in the template group: "Templates/Operating Systems" I even added a template_groups: section in the playbook as that is a valid field in rust, but apparently it is not for ansible as now it complains on a invalid module found.
How do I change/add the templategroup the correct way...?
Thanks for reading and thinking along with me.