I've got log files which get downloaded via cron job. If a file is updated on the remote location, the local copy gets rewritten from the beginning even if only data has been appended.

Tools like tail -f or since seem to see this as "the file has been replaced" and start outputting them from the beginning again. i.e. repeat all already known content. Especially those two tools explicitly mention this on STDERR.

So if I call this in one terminal:

for j in $(seq 2 4) ; do for i in $(seq 1 $j) ; do echo $i ; sleep 1; done > /tmp/foo; done

I get these warnings with both, tail -f /tmp/foo and tail -F /tmp/foo in another terminal:

tail: /tmp/foo: file truncated
tail: /tmp/foo: file truncated

And with while sleep 0.25; do since /tmp/foo; done, I get one of these error messages:

since: considering /tmp/foo to be truncated, displaying from start
since: considering /tmp/foo to be truncated, displaying from start

since explicitly uses the inode and not the file name as key for a file. tail probably does something similar to recognise truncated files.

Another "tool" I tried is the Perl library File::Tail, but it has the same "issue", just without warnings (at least with default settings).

So I wonder: Is a way or tool which does not look at the inode but just at the contents of the file and only restarts if data has not just been appended?

What I would like to have is just this output:


(I've seen tail -f, but when the file is deleted and re-created (not appended), but it does not help as it still restarts outputting the file's content from the beginning as well.)

And yes, I'm aware that such a tool either needs a cache of all seen (but not truncated) data or at least hashsums of it.

  • 1
    You can do this on a timer (not continuously). You do not need all the data, or hashsums, just a variable containing the number of lines N you have already seen. Then tail -n +$(( N + 1)) file into a variable, wc -l the new lines, add that to N, and write the new lines to your output stream. Then sleep 10 (or some compromise between acceptable delay and acceptable workload) and repeat. You need some strategy to reset N=0 if the file is actually truncated at the server. Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 17:13
  • @Paul_Pedant: Neat idea, thanks! Will check. Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 17:16
  • If since uses the inode as the key, than don't change the inode. When you update the file, instead of copying it directly to the same file, copy it first to a temporary file, and then copy it back to the original file. It's inode will not be changed. In that case the inode won't change and since will work.
    – aviro
    Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 18:05
  • @aviro: Yeah, I know. Unfortunately that downloading tool is a 3rd-party tool. (It's all about importing cloud logs into a syslog.) I already thought about making a feature request against since since (sic!) this is what I'd prefer here. But I need something in short term, too. Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 7:20
  • 1
    So after downloading it, copy it to another location where the inode would remain the same...
    – aviro
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 7:48

1 Answer 1


That's tail trying to be too smart for your use case. Here, you could do:

  while cat; do
    sleep 1
} < /tmp/foo

Same as what the original implementation of tail did (when -f was added in SysIII in 1980).

Better with a shell where cat and sleep are builtin or where there are equivalent builtin commands. Or do it in perl/python...

For instance, in ksh93, sleep is builtin by default and the cat builtin can be enabled with builtin cat. In zsh, you'd use sysread in a loop instead of cat and zselect in place of sleep:

zmodload zsh/zselect
zmodload zsh/system
readall() while sysread -s 65536 -o1; do continue; done

  while readall; do
    zselect -t 100
} < /tmp/foo

If a new file was being created each time, tail -f would not detect it. Still if that was the case, you could still do it by doing something like:

#! /bin/zsh -
zmodload zsh/zselect
zmodload zsh/system
readall() while sysread -s 65536 -o1; do continue; done

  (( offset = systell(0) ))
} < $file || exit
while true; do
    sysopen -ru0 -- $file 2> /dev/null &&
      sysseek $offset &&
    (( offset = systell(0) ))
  zselect -t 100

Where we reopen the file and seek to the last known offset at each iteration.

  • Is that meant to be a shell function? Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 17:21
  • 1
    @AxelBeckert, that's meant to be shell code to be used in place of tail -f /tmp/foo. Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 17:22
  • Will try, thanks! Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 17:25
  • Since @AxelBeckert the OP said the inode of the file might change, I don't think this would work for him, since the file descriptor for the files is kept open, and will remain open even if it's deleted and replaced with new inode.
    – aviro
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 7:47
  • 1
    @AxelBeckert it's easy to check if the inode changes, by running stat or ls -li on the file before and after.
    – aviro
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 13:01

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