I have a sample file:-
[root@localhost base_filters]# cat shortlist
2233|charles harris |g.m. |sales |12/12/52| 90000
9876|bill johnson |director |production|03/12/50|130000
5678|robert dylan |d.g.m. |marketing |04/19/43| 85000
2365|john woodcock |director |personnel |05/11/47|120000
5423|barry wood |chairman |admin |08/30/56|160000
I wanted to flip the names in the file such that there is a comma ,
after the last name i.e for example a name should appear as harris,charles.
I tried the following command:-
[root@localhost base_filters]# tr -s ' ' < shortlist | cut -d\| -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2,1
charles harris
bill johnson
robert dylan
john woodcock
barry wood
I want last name to appear first so I specified field 2 and then 1 but this doesn't seem to work. Any Ideas about this?