Here a list of what each file should/shouldn't contain, in my opinion:
[Read every time]
This file is always sourced, so it should set environment variables which need to be updated frequently. PATH (or its associated counterpart path) is a good example because you probably don't want to restart your whole session to make it update. By setting it in that file, reopening a terminal emulator will start a new Zsh instance with the PATH value updated.
But be aware that this file is read even when Zsh is launched to run a single command (with the -c option), even by another tool like make
. You should be very careful to not modify the default behavior of standard commands because it may break some tools (by setting aliases for example).
[Read at login]
I personally treat that file like .zshenv
but for commands and variables which should be set once or which don't need to be updated frequently:
- environment variables to configure tools (flags for compilation, data folder location, etc.)
- configuration which execute commands (like
SCONSFLAGS="--jobs=$(( $(nproc) - 1 ))"
) as it may take some time to execute.
If you modify this file, you can apply the configuration updates by running a login shell:
exec zsh --login
[Read when interactive]
I put here everything needed only for interactive usage:
- prompt,
- command completion,
- command correction,
- command suggestion,
- command highlighting,
- output coloring,
- aliases,
- key bindings,
- commands history management,
- other miscellaneous interactive tools (auto_cd, manydots-magic)...
[Read at login]
This file is like .zprofile
, but is read after .zshrc
. You can consider the shell to be fully set up at .zlogin execution time
So, I use it to launch external commands which do not modify shell behaviors (e.g. a login manager).
[Read at logout][Within login shell]
Here, you can clear your terminal or any other resource which was setup at login.
How I choose where to put a setting
- if it is needed by a command run non-interactively:
- if it should be updated on each new shell:
- if it runs a command which may take some time to complete:
- if it is related to interactive usage:
- if it is a command to be run when the shell is fully setup:
- if it releases a resource acquired at login: